Dana And Walter Fielding

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Walter Fielding
I had been trying to buy Charon Duncan's land that her parents left her after they were killed under suspicious circumstances. Charon did something at the table and suddenly her head was in my lap and photographs were being taken left and right as I tried to shove off my lap she held on with dear life. She laughed when Zi insisted she explain to my wife that she wasn't doing what it looked like. If the photographer would have waited he would have seen my pants were completely zipped. But they took the worst photos and left with them. Charon refused to clear it up. My wife was about to come back to me when she committed suicide. It was a computer generated note and wasn't signed. They closed the case too soon. I won wrongful death against miss Duncan and a restraining order against her.
Dana Fielding
After looking over the photos I decided Walter was definitely set up. I dropped the divorce and we were getting back together. A knock on my door got my attention. I open the door to Charon pointing a gun at me and I back up as she moves inside the door and locks and deadbolts the door. She makes me take her into my home office. She forces me to type a suicide note and print it off for her. I refuse to sign it. She grabs me by my throat and pours something down my throat. I can't breathe she has her hand around my throat and leaves a few pills. The bottle had my name on it. Everything goes dark. Floating above the note is found where she left it under the prescription bottle in my hand.
The scene was horrible, but I know she didn't commit suicide, but the investigators wouldn't listen to me. Now people are listening and Charon is behind bars for her parents deaths and my wife's death. I have no idea why she chose me and my wife to do this to. She found a new target, who has bodyguards and family who has the power to make sure she pays for her crimes. They are digging deeper and they ask me to come in for questioning yet again. They failed to check something in my home and need to gain access to Dana's office and computer yet again. They didn't search very hard, because we found cctv and cctv footage on my wife's laptop of my wife being murdered by Charon Duncan. She somehow recorded everything not only to her computer but to the cloud and a local server in the house.
Charon Duncan
I am arrested as I was walking into my apartment. They have search warrants and look in every nook and cranny of my apartment. They have found all my usb drives and hard drives along with my passwords for my electronics. They see photos of Tia and Louis and files of my other victims. They put me in the police car and drag me into police department and do a search of my cars and then do a strip search.
Ethan gives me a heads up about Charon being charged with three different murders so far. He stayed on the story and the more he did the more they found how truly evil Charon was. To kill your own parents because you merely hated them was what she blurted out in her testimony. She should have never been put on the stand. She actually passed the tests to participate in her own defense. Her defense was she enjoyed destroying people even as a child. After hearing that one of the kids her twins played with right before they died in a fire set deliberately in a shed at the back of their property. They had never suspected a child to do it, but Charon got a kick out of people finally knowing how she did it and that she watched as her actions killed two six year old twin boys. The judge called a recess and had the attorneys join him in his chambers do they could find out if the psychiatrist got it right about her being of sound mental state?
Public Defender Rogers
Oh yes sir and we even had three others confirm she is sane, she just believes she had the right to kill or destroy people. There is a long list of victims coming out of the woodwork and have said that she loved torturing people for fun. If she can pass all those tests then I can't claim that she is insane only that she is pure evil and shouldn't be put in a mental hospital. No amount of medication can stop an evil mind, heart and soul.
Prosecutor Farmer
So we are pretty much trying someone who is completely sane but evil? So she is bragging about her evil deeds like it is something she is proud of, yet she pled not guilty. But she is admitting guilt to killing someone. Is she thinking being not guilty means that she doesn't feel guilty for her criminal acts?
Judge Smith
Let's just go out there and do what we can on this case. Rogers you might want to think about her being on the stand again. Just a thought. Farmer do your best. Okay let's go out there and see if she still wants to take the stand again.
The jury went out for deliberation and after thirty minutes they came back with guilty verdicts on all counts and recommended multiple life sentences for each murder and to be served consecutively. They also felt the need to add more murder charges as well. I screamed I just thought they should be wiped off the earth and felt I could have fun doing it and watching them die. They dragged me out of the court room and back to prison. They charged me with the other murders as well, unless I escape I will never be free again.

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