Always Monitored

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I made sure Anastasia was well cared for her color is getting better, she starting to respond to voices. The doctors think she will be awake soon. Ray and her siblings are home and he is taking care of the children after hiring the extra staff I had he ran a through investigation of them and then hired them to take care of the children  along with the bodyguards. Ray feels guilty about things, but he might have burned bridges with Anastasia.
I can barely open my eyes open. I have no idea what has happened to me. I was trying to care for my siblings and everything just went black. I ask what happened to me and everything was explained and then I was reminded that Stephanie passed away due to internal bleeding after childbirth and someone giving her something that caused the bleeding to be worse than it should have been. The drug caused her blood to stop clotting.
Nurse Adams is in jail awaiting trial and her license is being reviewed and after convicted it will be taken from her. It is suspended for now. The doctor has explained what happed to Anastasia and then he told her someone deliberately gave her mom a drug that prevented her blood to stop clotting and bled internally until she passed away. Anastasia was distraught and the doctor went on to tell her she was drugged as well and had not eaten, drank or slept because she was taking care of everyone and forgetting to take care of herself. She still needs to be treated until the drug is completely out if her system. Now she doesn't have her siblings to care for. Anastasia should have stood up for herself and insisted her father be here to care for Stephanie and their children. She has college and the new project as well. Fifteen people died on top of Stephanie and whoever else were effected by all the side effects of the Lincoln's activities and victims. Kate is lucky to be alive. Elliott is mad at Eamon putting Kate in that situation and so is her mom and brother. The judge survived the death threats against him. He arrived well before everything went down.
I made sure Kate was well and insisted she stay with me until she healed. I moved all her things into my home with Ethan's help. I plan to take care of her and also hired nurses to take care of her while I am working. I gave her a key to my home and the codes to get in the gate. My men are teasing me about my young girlfriend but I don't care. I tell them they are just jealous I am able to date a hot young girl like Kate who looks like a supermodel with a super body. I hired a plastic surgeon to repair the scar from the bullet wound. The Lincoln's are dead, all the ones we know of.
I am worn out and hoping to get some sleep tonight and now I am feeling like Anastasia did. Anastasia didn't create these children Stephanie and I did and we expected things from her because she was our eldest child. We were taking away her future. I still haven't gotten word on the release of Stephanie to be buried yet. The staff is something I need to get control over and I hired a staff manager. I hired the one Jason told me to hire. They got me and the children on a set schedule along with setting the staffs work schedules. A week later I have been sleeping and finally the babies are on a set sleep routine. Feeding and playing as well. Diana Ferguson is a redhead with a temper you don't want to set off. She is however excellent with my children. I had Elliott come over a build staff quarters that adjoined to the house so they didn't have to deal with weather conditions, Diana suggested it. She also said if built correctly it could turn into a safe room as well. She gave the ideas to me and Elliott. Elliott asked if he could use her ideas to construct something like that for him and Kate and Christian is buying a home as well. I called Anastasia and she refused to take my call. I have a twelve year old, a ten year old, and eight year old and a six year old now two twin two month olds. Anastasia is going to turn 20 soon. I thought they were older, but they aren't and I feel so bad and Anastasia has been doing way too much. The boys might be as tall as teenagers, but they are not there yet. I reminded by Diana that my children needed a parent who is there for them and not a sibling who has no authority over them.
Plus they could now pick her up and lock her inside a room and not allow her out. From what I heard they did indeed do just that. If am not mistaken they found Anastasia blacked out in that locked room hours after they did that. I just have the bodyguards pick them up and lock them in the safe room for 45 minutes to show them how it feels. They owe Anastasia a huge apology.
George Davis
I have to give it to Diana she definitely is kicking Ray's ass about his older daughter and his younger children. She told him to take responsibility as their only parent. Anastasia needs to build her own life, she nearly lost her life taking care of everything and everyone and didn't take care of herself. I have heard the stories and Anastasia loves her siblings, but she isn't being a brat by wanting her own life to take shape like everyone else's lives she went to school with has been. Her father is finally getting a glimpse of what Anastasia went through.

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