Baby Grey

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I couldn't get an abortion due to the fact I was past the point I could get it legally and medically everything is fine. Christian is making sure I am very healthy while in this psychiatric hospital. I am not the only pregnant psycho here apparently. The sonogram shows me at six months along with twins. Both boys of course. Three more months of this torture. I am watched by six people other than the bodyguards. I have signed the rights to the boys over to Christian. His friend and he are holding me accountable for my actions. Even the psychiatrist tell them I knew exactly what I was doing.
I swear I want to live on that island, no wonder everyone wants to vacation there. I have an all over sun tan. So does Elliott. He nearly got our favorite part sunburned. We quirkily made it disappear into a cavern between my legs lol. Christian was still in a weird frame of mind, but his mom and dad had him sign some papers and he looked a little bit better. Taylor told him something that put a smile on his face and in walks Anastasia. She is looking forward to our birthday party this year because she has ten new patents and Christian wants to get into business with her again. He keeps trying to get her on contract but after she took legal courses on patent laws, she told him she would never allow him to reap the rewards of owning her patents by signing a contract stating anything she created or designed at GEH becomes his property and his patent. No wonder she was mad when he attempted to get her to sign an employment contract.
You won't believe this, Christian knocked Sharon up and she is six months along and in a psychiatric hospital under guards.
Seriously, he is going to be a father and two months before we have our baby. Sharon the female who tried to kill him and then Anastasia?
What do your folks think about it?
They think he makes horrible choices in women. I suspect they have their eyes on one person for his wife and Anastasia is her at this point. She has more surgeries, but her scar is getting less obvious at this point. She has to fly to their hospital for the last five surgeries. They think it will no longer be visible to the naked eye. They did great work on yours. How is Jose doing now?
He has a place in New York and everyone wants to be photographed by him. The shots he got then are still getting him commissions on use of them including the videos. His wounds are finally healed and he has two assistants to carry his equipment, he is going to come back to catch the birth on dvd for us and take family photos as well.
What? He is going shoot videos of you giving birth? Really Kate I don't like it.
It is nothing sexual, he will be filming our baby being born. A lot of people do it. I want this Elliott, and he is the best.
I don't like the idea but go ahead. He better not touch you though.
He won't do it, if he does he will lose his arm. Elliott is only agreeing in hopes I will change my mind about it. Mia and Tia can't wait for our baby to be born, they don't talk about the twins of Christian's I start to say something and Elliott shakes his head no and I stop.
It's a sore topic for them. I don't think they will treat the babies badly, but we all have raw emotions after she tried killing Christian and then Anastasia. We can talk later about everything.
Months later Sharon goes into labor and has the boys. They are taken immediately and she is transferred to prison a week later. Her rights were terminated and after the DNA tests prove Christian is the father of the boys. Theodore Elliott Grey and Charles Carrick Grey are home with their father and the mannies. Gail and Jason hired males to guard and care for the twins needs. My baby is due a month from now.
I am so glad Sharon was found guilty and getting twenty years minimum in a maximum security prison. What we didn't know was the attack on Christian and I was a third attempt at killing an ex of hers. They just didn't want the bad press. One guy was married, he married his wife shortly after he and Sharon broke up. Kate found some of this out. Then digger deeper into other things, she got people to open up and tell her everything about Sharon. We dodged a bullet with Sharon. Christian got lucky when I decided to go and find him. I am so glad dad decided that a small woman like me needed self defense training and gun training as well. The other six will get the same training and three already have. The other three will when they are able to learn it.
Theo and Chas keep me busy and mom and dad are thrilled with their new grandsons. They can't wait until they have more. Kate and Elliott are due within the month. They are having a girl. I think Elliott wanted a boy, but once she gets here he will love her just as much if not more. Mia and Tia have been here and brought both Anastasia and Kate to see the boys. Anastasia teased me about babies being chick magnets in the park and other places. Women love men who care for their babies especially single hot billionaire's. I can't believe she said that, but it is no doubt true, because have been given a lot of phone numbers by women of all ages, sizes, looks and widowed, divorced and single ones. Some are nannies a few mannies too, all looking for that significant other. I ask my mannies if they interact like this when at the park and they tell me they watch the boys at all times. They say parks are a prime target for kidnapping children from every social background. After hearing that I upped security on the boys and now the mannies.
Mr Grey just got a piece of information about the park and that kids get taken from them a lot. He wanted the boys safe and the mannies as well, so we tripled security including coverts.

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