A Taken Baby

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We had no idea I had twins when Mia was born, Tia was born right before Mia and the nurse delivered her, but we weren't aware that there were identical twin girls. I was alone with the nurse when Tia was born, but she disappeared with her and the doctor delivered Mia immediately. So no one was aware that I had given birth tow identical twins and whoever the nurse was disappeared. It quite by accident that a year later Tia ended up in the ER after having a reaction to antibiotics a doctor had prescribed. When I was called to look at the little girl I had run all kinds of blood tests and then a DNA test was run on the toddler. When the blood type turned out to be rare and the same as mine and Mia's we ran a familial DNA. As soon as the test came back she tried to leave with Tia and she was arrested and spilled the beans about her taking Tia from me and leaving the hospital with her. Now they have more than one person in with the delivery room. Carrick had some words with the administration of the hospital and they held the toddler until they discovered who the real mother was. The woman who brought her in disappeared after she saw police enter the hospital asking for her whereabouts. Denise Williams could no longer call Leila Williams her daughter and had taken a baby to replace the baby that was taken from her by CPS and her father. The real Leila Williams had been taken from her after she had tried to sell her for her drugs. She got her addiction under wraps, but not her mental state. She took Grace Grey's baby girl after following her until she got what she wanted.
I had her for a year and my mistake was taking her to the hospital she was born in. What I didn't know was the mother had a rare blood type and when they discovered Leila had it as well, they wanted to check and see if I also had the same type. They wanted blood donations from me just in case they needed it for Leila. Then I saw the cops looking for me and left as fast as I could. I made sure they couldn't identify me from the cctv cameras. I had to throw away my favorite outfits though. I hadn't thought this through completely because the police were waiting for me after work and arrested me. Now I am facing charges.
We weren't aware of Mia being a twin, because apparently the doctor couldn't see her on the sonogram or hear the second heartbeat. So imagine our surprise when we were asked to give a DNA sample and when it came back that Mia had an Identical twin that apparently a very resourceful Denise Williams was able to find a uniform and name tag along with an employees badge to pretend to be a nurse and she actually delivered our first twin and got away with her without much trouble at all. We were given a nice monetary settlement. We set it up in a trust fund for college.
I asked to see the mother of the baby and she refused to see me at all. I had a psych evaluation and was borderline and they said I was capable of being tried for what I had done. I was found guilty and am serving a twenty five to life for kidnapping and other charges.
It was hard to integrate Mia with Tia and the boys. She would cry and refuse to eat. We finally found something she couldn't resist. She loved blueberry pancakes with strawberry syrup and whipped cream. It took six months but she became best friends with her twin sister and was protected by her older brothers. I was happy about learning about her after not knowing or suspecting there was another baby. I fell unconscious is why I had no idea I had given birth to twins. I have looked my medical charts and still have no idea what reason I was unconscious during the births. My only thought is Denis gave me something to put me out.
I married Stephanie when Anastasia was seven years old. They became best friends. We had three children Raymond Jr when Anastasia was 8 Samuel when Anastasia turned 10 and Savannah Steele when Anastasia turned 12. Stephanie and agreed we had enough children. My company has grown by leaps and bounds and is well known for quality work across the USA. We expanded and hire some very good people to run the satellite offices.
At first I thought Anastasia would be a spoiled princess, but she was a perfectly behaved and loving person. She read everything she could get her hands on. I had no idea that Ray knew the couple who just found out about Ray knowing the Grey family from when Anastasia was born. Mia and Tia were delivered and the hospital had no idea. They got their baby back in the end, but who knows what kind of damage Denise Williams did to her while she had her.
Bonnie Steele
I have no place to live and I saw that Raymond is doing pretty nicely. He has been pictured with millionaires at events. I can't believe he is doing so well. I am trying to save up money to get to Seattle and get back in his good graces. But each time I get enough my room gets robbed of the money. I tried calling, but no one returns my calls. Anastasia is three by now and I still don't know who her father was. I doubt Raymond is her father, but I haven't figured out if he has done a DNA test or not yet. I can use that fact to get some cash from him. He loves Anastasia so much he would pay a lot to keep her from me. Now I have to find someone willing to lie about being her father and looks like her.

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