The Night Of The Comet

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Well, this day is definitely gonna be different. I wonder when I will tell Stefan that I am not from this world. Will I ever figure out what I am?

Am I a vampire? Like Stefan and Damon?

And I a hybrid? Like Niklaus and Hayley? (A hybrid is a person who is half vampire half werewolf)

Or am I a tribrid? Like Hope? (A tribrid is a person who is half hybrid, and half witch)

I'm obvi not a siphoner, but am I a heretic? Like Valerie? (A heretic is a person who is a siphoned but has a vamp side, and is able to get their energy and turn it into magic, and a siphoner is a witch who wasn't born with their own magic, and needs to get their magic from other supernatural people)

I guess we are going to find out soon.

I got up, and put on my makeup. Then I went to school.

⏳ To school

We were in history, I wasn't paying attention though, because I already know everything. I looked at Stefan and gave him a friendly smile, earning one back.

"Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. L/n?" asked the teacher

'Yes, you are, excuse us please', that's what I wanted to say, I wanted to be sassy and give attitude. But all I did was simply shake my head no.

Then the bell rang, Steffie and I got our stuff and started to walk to our next class

"I got it. I told you" said Stefan

"Wuthering Heights, by Ellis Bell. You know, I honestly cannot believe she didn't use her real name." I said

"All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms. It was the time. Female writers weren't very accepted then" said Stefan

"Hmm, the old times. It makes sense. They always underestimated girls, kinda. But look at us now, some of us are heroes" I said

Stefan laughed "Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with you on that"

I then met with Matt around the school, and Stefan went to sit somewhere. I know he will be listening, so I better watch what I say.

"Heyy" I said

"Hey, y/n, right? I'm sorry, I can sometimes be bad with names" said Matt

"Its fine, it is sometimes hard to others, so I understand. Yes, it is y/n" I said

"Hmm, soo, what's up with you and the new guy?" asked Matt

"Matt, hurting you would be the last think I wanna do right now" I said

"You know I'm. I'm actually just gonna go home and check on Vicki, The police came to our house yesterday and said that she had lost some blood. But no one knows how or why, or who bought her there. If you know something, please tell me" said Matt

"I will tell you as soon as I figure out" I said, I do not mean that at all, sorry Matt :(

"Alright, thanks" said Matt, and left


I was sitting outside a restaurant with Caroline and Bonnie

"Well, I was talking to grams, and she said the comet is a sigh of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity" said Bonnie

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