Friday Night Bites

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I drove to school with Bonnie, and we got out of the car

"I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow" said Bonnie 

"Ok, fiiiiine. But if he tries something, I'm continuing it" I said

"Ok, that's fair" said Bonnie 

We were walking to the building then Stefan came 

"Good morning, y/n. Good morning, Bonnie" said Stefan

"hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone, I'll catch you guys later" said Bonnie and left

Stefan looked at me "She doesn't like me very much"

"Trust me, she will. She just needs a little time getting to know people first, to see if she can trust them to be with her friends" I said

"Hmm, ok. I guess that makes sense" said Stefan

"Here is what we should do, are you free tonight?" I asked

"Yes" said Stefan

"Perfect. Come to my house for dinner at 8:00 pm. You, me, and Bonnie. You can spend some time, get to know each other, and she'll see how trustworthy and great you are. Mission accomplished" I said

Then, someone was about to hit Stefan with a ball, but I sped over in front of him, and caught it. Stefan was surprised by how cast I was, and even more suprised about how strong I was Shen I threw it back.

We then waked into the building

"So, you're quite the thrower, huh?" asked Stef

"I make sure to do a perfect aim when I throw something. And you also seem like you'd be a good football player. Why not try out for the team?" I asked

"Yeah, I don't think so" said Stef

"So you don't like football?" 

"No, I love football. I think it's a great sport. But in this case, I don't think football likes me" 

"Well, football needs to upgrade its interest" 

"You know what, you're right, I'm gonna try out for the team, and let football see what I can do" 

"Hmm, that's the spirit. Football, you have seen nothing yet"

Stefan laughed, and we walked to class.

In history:

Mr. Tanner was teaching us again, but I just didn't listen. Bc I already know everything.

"Miss. l/n?" asked Mr. Tanner

"December 7th, 1941" I said

"Thank you, Miss. l/n. How about the fall of Berlin war?" said Tanner

"1989" said Stefan, I nodded

"It seems that we're both good with dates, sir" I said

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year" said Tanner

We nodded

"Civil rights act" said Tanner

"1964" I said

"John F. Kennedy assassination" said Tanner

"1963" said Stefan

"Martin Luther King"




"Roe vs. Vade"

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