Bring It On

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I walked through the street, this felt good, having my humanity off. I felt like I could do anything, that there was literally nothing stopping me. 

I just laid there on the floor, no one is there to kill me anyway. I'm an original, what the fuck can they do?

I then saw a car approaching me. The lady got out, and walked towards me. 

"Are you all right? Was there an accident? Where are you hurt? Are you in pain?" she asked 

"I feel nothing." I said

"I have a blanket in my car, try not to move. I'll call for help." said the girl, I chuckled to myself. 

I then sped over to the girl, and went behind her. She turned around, "What are you doing?"

I then smirked and drained her of blood. That tasted good. 

"That's enough...I said that's enough" said Damon, getting me off the girl "We agreed, no killing"

"Do you seriously think I care? You made me turn off my humanity, deal with the consequence" I said

"If you leave a trail of bodies people are gonna start asking questions" said Damon

"Then I'll kill all of them, boom bam, problem solved. And even if that doesn't work, who cares? Not me." I said, as I started to feed on her again. 

"I can't believe you're making me say this, hey, show a little restraint" said Damon

I pained him, "Do not tell me what to do, Damon. Don't act like you've never done this, now it's my turn. And I'm going to enjoy it" I said, killed the girl, and sped off. 


I was now taking a shower. I overheard Stefan and Damon about their plans to bring my humanity back. 

Ehehhehe, nice try, boys. 

Right now, this house's waters were the only waters that were vervain free. This house has a nice water system, and even thought I don't get hurt by vervain anymore, the water still feels nice. 

I got out of the shower, and went down to Stefan, Damon, and Caroline who were going to take me "back to school". 

I didn't even bother to get a towel on, I don't care, it's nothing they haven't seen before, and Caroline and I are both girls, who gives a shit?

"Going back to school, huh? Sounds fun, who knows what I'll do there. And surprisingly, Ric isn't there to stop me." I said, and used my powers to dry myself off. 

Stefan and Damon were still looking at me, Stefan looked like he was thinking "Damn, no clothes, huh? Ok." Damon looked like he was saying "Damn, my gf is hottttt"

"What? It's nothing you guys haven't seen before. In fact, take a picture, it'll last longer" I said, as I put some clothes on. 

Stefan cleared his throat, then Damon stepped up "Y/n, it would make me very happy if you were at school today, and studied hard, you know, get involved in whatever activities, and please, for me, no matter what, don't eat anyone"

"Ah, right, the sire bond. Would it be too mean if I did......You will unsire me in a way that even if you want to sire me again, you wont be able to. Go ahead, say it. You know a part of you thinks it's the right thing"  I compelled. 

Without being able to process, Damon said, "Y/n, you're no longer sired to me, don't follow the bond, even if you know you should, and even if the feeling is screaming to you, don't. Even if you think I really mean it, ignore it. And even if I beg you to follow, decline.....what did you do?" 

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