Blood Brothers

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I was just on my phone, scrolling through instagram, when I heard Stefan starting to wake.

"Stefan?" I asked, Damon also seemed to notice his waking, so he also whispered his name

But all he could think and see was....Katherine, the flashback of the time when they tried to save her.

He needed a little more time, and I felt Damon pull me back, and we went out of there room.

I looked at him 1 more time behind the little bars of the door, then started to talk to Damon

"He was having a flashback of the time when you guys tried to save Katherine. When he looked at me, he saw Katherine, not me. It's harder in person seeing him behind bars like this" I said

"It was your idea to lock him up" said Damon

"Technically, it was Elena's idea, I just followed" I said, then took the daily vervain I take out of my pocket, and drank.

Damon seemed to notice "Hey, what the- What are you, are you crazy???"

"Relax, it doesn't hurt me anymore. I've been sipping a little every day, I got used to it" I said

"And why have you been doing that?" asked Damon

"So originals cannot compel me, and some other person can't hurt me and make me weak with vervain. It still kind of burns, but only the little burn you feel when you're drinking coke or other liquids like that" I said

Damon just nodded, and went upstairs. I followed him.

He was now checking out a compass.

"Is that Johnathan Gilbert's compass?" I asked

"Mhm, I think so" said Damon

"It should be pointing at you" I said

"It is. You know why?" asked Damon

"Vampirism. And before you ask, no, I have actually been avoiding John" I said

"John?" asked Damon

"Ya know, my 'uncle'?" I asked

"Ah, gotcha" said Damon

"Soo, I know you don't like this very much, but until Stefan's better, I think I'll stay here. Part of the plot" I said

"Ugh, you're a complete nuisance" said Damon

I smiled at his jokes "See you later"

I then skipped school and went home for a few hours, because I can lol.

- A Few Hours L8er-

I then grabbed a few clothes, and called Damon to let him know I'm coming over.

Right when I closed my closet, I saw Uncle John

"Hey" I said

"Hi, I thought we could talk, we haven't had a chance to catch up, and get to know each other" said John, a lil creepy-

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I was actually just heading out" I said

"Well, it won't take long" said John

"Ok" I said

"Well, I know you know" said John

"Know what? I know a lot of things" I laughed

"Well, what do you think your mother would say, if she knew you were dating a vampire?" asked John

Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvatore/Damon Salvatore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now