Heart Of Darkness

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I went to the basement, and checked on Ric "Ric?"

"Yeah. Still me" he said, I got in

"You know, you shouldn't be in here. Defeats the point of the whole being locked up in a cellar thing" he said

"You still need the basics" I said, and handed him some books, clothes, and a toothbrush

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" he asked, looking at a book

"What? No, I got--" I grabbed the book "Damon. He thinks he's so funny"

"At least one of us still has a sense of humor" said Ric 

"You don't really have to be kept in here, you know" I said

"Oh, no, this is..this is the right place for me to be in. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter go to fess up to where I--or he hid the white oak stake" he said

"We looked everywhere. The other you chose the hiding spot pretty wisely" I said

"What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it?" he asked

"I don't know. Klaus stuff? He knows that I'd never want to kill him" I said, then grabbed a chair "Listen, Stefan's gonna watch you for a while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not that safe. So Dame and I are going to go Denver to pick him up"

"Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?" he asked

"Just following the script" I laughed, making him chuckle "Also, me and Damon, traveling together....alone....awkwardddd"

"Well, I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it" he said

"It was actually his idea. He thinks I have feelings for Damon. Totes not true" I said

"You sure?" he asked

"Well, this trip is to make sure I have no feelings for him" I said


I went down to Stefan and Damon

"Have you ever flown first class?" asked Damon

"Who did you compel for that?" I asked

"Pfft, please. I used Miles" he said, getting out

"Stefan..." I started

"Be safe" he said, I nodded

"I love you" I said, and sped out of there


Damon and I arrived at Denver, and Jeremy was just there playing some baseball.

"There he is" I said, pointing to him

"Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball" he said

I playfully punched his arm, then went over to Jeremy "Yo, Jer!"

"Y/n?" he asked turning to me, I smiled. Then his smile dropped "What's wrong?"

"Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose" he said, as Jeremy got out of the baseball field

"I could just tell you, but Ima follow the plot" I said

"You traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?" he asked

"Dead vampire's redundant, but yes" he said

Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvatore/Damon Salvatore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now