Ghost World

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We were at school, in the field, just listening to some guy talking. Then Jeremy laughed at something

"What's so funny?" I asked

Jeremy mouthed "Anna", I did an "Ohhh"


"I made a spell to be able to contact Lexi. But following the plot, this is the way we should be using" I said

"Ok, I was able to see ghosts, but I've never even had an emotional connection with her, I've never even met her" said Jeremy

"Can we just drop it, please?" asked Ric

"No, we can't. We're supposed to do this" I said

"Don't you think the we have too many dead vampires in our life to be sitting here, thinking of them watching us?" asked Ric 

Then Jeremy looked beside him

"Hold up" I said "Phasmatos Visio" I said, and was able to see Anna

"Hey, Ann" I said

"Oh, uhh, hi" she smiled

"You can see her?" asked Jeremy

"Yeah, it's a new spell I created" I said, I don't have to say Novum Carmen out loud anymore, I can just think about the words, and the spell would be created.

"Cool, anyways, I'm gonna go, uh, check my work schedule" said Jeremy, and got up, walking away.

"Normalis Vision" I said, making the ghosts disappear

"Hey, guys" Stefan appeared, sitting down on Jeremy's seat "Who forgot to invite me to the family summit?" asked Stefan, then grabbed our notebook "Wow, all those words. I forgot how much I used to care"

"I didn't" I said, Stefan looked at me

"You know, Y/n, it's probably for the best 4 you not to torture yourself with memories from the past. It's best if we both just....move on, and accept things as they are" said Stefan

"You don't have to be here, Stefan" said Ric

"You know what, Alaric, you're right. I don't. Ahem, but Y/n's here, and I look out for Y/n. Besides, there's going to be people everywhere tonight. So there's going to be lots to eat" said Stefan, I looked at him

Stefan laughed "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Loosen up", I turned to Ric

"See why I can't drop it?" I asked, he nodded


I walked into the bathroom, to see Jeremy with Anna

"Oh, hi. It's that time when the supernaturals are back from the dead for a little while" I said

Then Caroline called me, saying that we needed to close the door to the other side

"How do we do that again?" I asked, she was on speaker

"Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman" said Caroline 

" necklace?" I asked

"It's some juju power source, and I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it" said Caroline

I sighed "I just walked in on Jeremy kissing someone that he wasn't supposed to kiss when he's with Bonnie"

"What?! Are you kidding?!" asked Caroline

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