The Murder Of One

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I went into Ric's apartment, bringing him some stuff. Damon answered the door "Morning, Sunshine"

"Hey, how's Ric?" I asked

"Indecent, but fine" said Damon

"So, there were no issues yesterday?" I asked

"Nope, slept like a baby, one up Alaric. No headlines about dead council" he said

"Hm....why do I feel like you're hiding something?" I asked

"Well, maybe because you're being all paranoid and control freaky. What'd you bring me?" asked Damon, grabbing the box from my hands

"Dude--" I started

"Chocolate muffins. You know what they say, the way to a psycho killer's heart is through his stomach" he said

"They're not for you" I said

"Fine, keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me but sadly, Ric's going to have to pass on Y/n time today. You know, lockdown and all" he said

"Just-- give it to Ric, please? And maybe tell him I miss him?" I asked

"With pleasure" he said closing the door "Have a great day"


I told Caroline about Ric

"Alaric Saltzman killed my father?" she asked

"It wasn't exactly him. It was his ring. And don't get me wrong, I don't expect you to be ok with this. But Bonnie is giving him herbs, and it's helping him" I said

"Yeah, and that's supposed to make everything ok?" she asked

"No. It's only supposed to make it better. And honestly, I don't regret Ric killing your father, he kinda had it coming. He didn't accept you for who you were, and even made you suffer a little" I said

"I mean--ARGH! I wanna agree, but disagree! I know you're just trying to make me feel better, and I appreciate that" said Caroline, I nodded

"I just-- I really hope things will be ok soon" I said

"Hey, what's with the uh, cryptic secret meeting text?" asked Matt, coming by us

"Stefan just told me to meet here" I said

"Where's Bonnie? I texted her too" said Stefan, coming in the view with Damon

"Uh, Bonnie's mom bailed on her....again, so I think we should leave her out of this one" said Caroline

"What are we doing here?" asked Matt 

"We found some white oak. Long story" said Damon

"Ok. Finn's getting on my nerves, so I couldn't care less if he died, no offense, Finn. But bro, I still don't tolerate the originals dying......whatever, they come back anyway  I'm not being careless, that shit is just holding me together, I guess" I said

"Well, let's get going, then" said Stefan, getting out the bag of white oak stakes, I backed away

"Y/n, don't be afraid. We won't stake you" said Damon

"Yeah, but Klaus doesn't die. Only Kol" I flinched "And Finn. So if a stake does land on Klaus, I WILL go in front of him" I said


"You can't tell me what to do, Damon. I will if I must" I said

"No! I won't let you! Not on my damn watch!" he said

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