Do Not Go Gentle

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"So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together. Why is that a bad thing?" asked Caroline

"I just wish there was something I could do. Also, where do you want me to hang this?" I asked, grabbing a lamp sorta thing

"You know what? If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, she should have shown up to do it herself. Jut no" said Caroline, grabbing it from me, and giving it to another girl

Then she screamed at Matt who was also doing what Bex said

"Ok, Care, I get that you don't like Bex, but can you hate on her a little quieter?" I asked

"I don't get why you don't hate her" said Caroline

"I know her. She's not a bad person" I said

She sighed, but then smiled "So, who are you bringing to the dance?"

"What do you mean? I thought I was going with you and Bonnie?" I asked

"Bonnie has a date. Jamie called" said Caroline

"Ohhhhhh" I said

"So, here's a thought, why don't you ask Stefan or Kol?" she said

"Just because Kol has a thing for me, and I have a little thing for him doesn't mean that I can take him to public dances. Besides, he needs to be a secret" I said

"Then ask Stefan" said Caroline 

"I....I can't ask him. I just tricking made out with his brother, which I don't even get how I did. That wasn't me, I'm telling you. Something was controlling me. B/n says it was the plot itself, telling me to obey its rules" I said

"It wasn't you, you're saying it yourself. So go and ask him" said Caroline

I sighed and nodded


I was now at home, and I called Stefan. I asked I'm to the dance, and he agreed

So I started to get ready, and put on this pretty dress with a flower crown look alike crown. 

After a while, the doorbell rang. Stefan was there looking hot as ever. 

"Wow, you look amazing" I said

He looked down and laughed "Thank you. You look uh...very beautiful", then took out a flower, a white one "Here I uh, I got something for you" he put the flower in the shoulder part of my dress, and I smiled looking up at him "Thank you"

He smiled "So, given our dangerous dance karma. You sure you're up for this?"

"Getting out of bed is dangerous these days, but we do have to live our lives" I said

"Hmm, who gave you that horrible advice?" asked Stefan

"Some guy I used to date. He was a really good guy, he still is" I smiled, making him smile, and we went to the dance


"Teach me some moves!" I said, as we got in the dance floor

"Ah, no, no, no, no, I uh-- I blacked out for most of this decade, remember?" asked Stefan

"Mhm, yeah. Nice try" I said, dragging him into the dance floor

We then started to dance crazily, that was until the slow music started to play. I smiled and held one of Stefan's hands, and my other hand went to his shoulder. He put an arm around my waist, and also held my hand. 

Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvatore/Damon Salvatore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now