land of waves part 2

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I got up for our mission hashirama arms was wrapped around me hugging me.I gentle got up and walked to the kitchen started cooking then woke up Shisui.

i told him to come on he nodded I told him to make tea and that I will go on a Mission so go wake up the others.i kissed his cheek and his face turned red then I told him go wake up the others.

he nodded then woke them up I said hurry up and eat.They finished I made sure I had my ninja tools first aid and food pills.Once done we all walked to the gate to see my team there and I'm kakashi not there.

so I talked to the hokages and told them I'm going to teleport them to tanzou house.we waited then he pooped here.we started to walk when I felt a faint chakra signature.

i looked at kakashi to find him already looking at me I blush bright red.
Shisui, tobirama, hashirama, Minato, Sasuke, and Naruto was glaring at kakashi but I didn't see.

kakashi looks to be sweating then kakashi got rapped up in chains and torn apart I got into a killing stance which is know for my clan.the chains went to Naruto I made a quick blood clones and made the clones go to Naruto, Sasuke,Sakura.

the real me was in a tree away from kakashi.i attacked the targets and let my ki leak 50% of my ki they started to feel like the can't breath I made sure it don't got to my teammates or the bridge builder.

then i activated my kenkien genkai and thought of hisoka following my order and killing the man.hisoka appeared and started to fight he made bungee gum then wrapped them to a tree then I say"wait hisoka don't kill yet".

kakashi then jumps down and started to question the bridge builder.once done we got to a boat i made hisoka go away.i made the boat bigger so we can eat I thought about it and went to my pouch and grabbed the bento boxes I made.

I gave one to Sakura,one to Sasuke,one to Naruto one to the bridge builder and one to kakashi. I made Shisui sit down I sat on his lap he blush bright red cause he didn't except me to sit on his lap. since the others can't see him it look like I'm floating.

I turned around and layed my head on his shoulder then went to my mind scape.he wrapped his hands around I got to my mind scape I go back to my form from the human world with technology.

i see suki in his cage so I say "suki I'm here". He change back to his  human form and walked to me.i put my face in his soft chest they were so soft I squish them and he grunted softly.

then he picked my chin up and said you wanted a kiss right I need consent.i nodded since we are in my mind scape they can't see what I'm doing, hear,or see me move they just hear me breath softly.

he gave me a peck on the lips then said have to go back.i pouted he smiled then chuckled.i woke up and we were here.

We got off the boat then started walking Naruto was throwing Kunis at everything.thast when kakashi said duck.we duck and there he was zabuza mochi or as I like to say momochild.

If you want the smut part then go to the chapter that say ✨🍋not a chapter just smut.🍋✨

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