to the hokage and cuddles

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Y/n POV:

I got up and got dressed I left food and a note for them.i are some dumplings and then teleported to the hokages office.he didn't hear me so I jumped on his desk alerting him and his anbu that was in the room.he looked at me and said"hello y/n been a week since you came to see me".

he gave me a gentle smile.i smiled and Hugged him then gave him the signal to make the anbu leave after they left.i said"lady Tsunade will become the next hokage you need to retire and get stronger".he nodded then dismissed me.i went back to the house and unlocked the door the dishes was washed and there was two notes on the fridge.

The first one says:

Dear y/n me and haku are on a Mission and I thank you for the food you make for us.we have a gift for you  I hope you like it

From haku and zabuza~

The second note:

Hey y/n this note is telling you that today you are spending time with the first and second hokage today I hope by the time you read this you are ready for the day.

From Minato and shushi~

I smiled at the note a put them down I walked to my room and changed it with a snap of my finger.

I lay on the bed then went to my manga shelf I made sure no Naruto or anything related to Naruto was not on there

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I lay on the bed then went to my manga shelf I made sure no Naruto or anything related to Naruto was not on there.i grabbed devil's man crybaby.

I layed back down on my bed and read the book that's when the bed dipped from both end I see hashirama and tobirama

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I layed back down on my bed and read the book that's when the bed dipped from both end I see hashirama and the end of my bed I opened my arms and they both came up to me I them a book then that's when my face flushed at an idea I grabbed tobirama face and kissed his lips like a quick peck and did the same to hashirama.

we all was blushing I then snapped my fingers and made food appear and we ate.we watched movies and cuddled and giving kisses here and the end of the day we were all sleep.i put on some lofi music on repeat while laying down.and went to sleep.

Next day I am going to spend time with Minato and adorable beans.
(✨Next chapter smut threesome✨)

Y/n note:

Hey guys I made food I love you guys I hope you eat well and have a great day kisses bye.

From y/n

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