meet with the team & help Sakura

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to see no body in bed I smell food I walk into the kitchen and see shushi and the hokages making breakfast.i walked back to my room and get ready I take a shower and brushed my hair and teeth.i fixed my bed and then I walked back to the kitchen I grabbed my teams Benton boxes and made sure I ate breakfast and gave them all a kiss on the lips leaving them flustered I giggled and walked out the door giving a wave of goodbye.

After that I made sure I had there Bento boxes and my bento box.i met at our meeting spot and I saw them there.i ran up and gave them hugs.i hugged kakashi first he had a little pick blush then I hugged sausage and Naruto then Sakura they all had a little pink blush.i smiled at them then we got to do alot of we where going to train.

so I put on my training outfit and started to do stretches and then I started to do exercises.after that I walked to Sakura and swished my hand and she had weights on her arms and legs.i made sure she could train with them and they add more waits once she can easily lift with it.

She looked at me like I grown two heads.i told her about it and nodded she started to train her physically.after that I made her run and walk around with weights.then I started to take Sakura out to eat I gave her foods that can make her strong but after.

that I made her train her chakra and made sure it got stronger I made her meditate and then made her only focus on training.after that I had a sleepover with Shana and I a shadow clone go back to the house and tell them that I'll be back tmr.we then made it to Sakura's house we walked in and I greeted her parents.

We talked and I asked to have a sleepover and she nodded then told us that if hungry just ask.i nodded then went up stairs.i changed into my pajamas with little Sakura petals and Sakura had the same pajamas I then walked out and got some hair stuff.i then pushed her hair up and put on a face mask.the she did the same to me I took some pictures then we painted nails and I took a picture of it.

then we read books and I made a clone and took a picture of it.after that we finally got to lay down I made sure our clone to a picture of me and Sakura cuddling.then we went to sleep with the face mask on and we cuddled.i made sure in the morning I have pictures to put it my picture book.i made another clone to stay home with the others.

(Next page is for Sasuke)

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