chunin exam 3

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Y/n POV:

Third exam started and I already made sure to tell Lord third not to worry about sasuke.i waited for my team to be excited I made sure they have there chakra okay and ate and slept.i thought Kabuto was going to leave so I didn't bother to look at him.but some random person raised there hand.He left Sasuke looked okay because I sealed his cursed mark up nice so he can't use it in battle and it doesn't show.

kakashi looked my way I nodded and sent him the okay sign.sasuke battle was done he didn't use the curse was me on the board it said"Kabuto vs y/n ln". I heard a lot of gasp from my last name.

I jumped down to the arena grown. kabuto looked nervous so I didn't bother to feel like killing him so I'm make sure in this fight I injure him.we got into our stance.i got into the stance my clan was made for the kill or die stance.i let 1% of ki out I he got ready and let out his all his ki.

i didn't feel it so I just looked at him and took out my shurukin.i threw it hit the ground and then made a blood clone and went invisible.i then thought of it but MAMA BELT NO JUTSU.

alot of belts came with a set of mom's and he got his ass whooped I tired not to laugh.i then release the jutsu.the I did MHA CHARACTER NO JUTSU.hawks appeared and I made my wings and we both hit him and made our feathers attached to the wall with him there.
I punched him with 3% leaving him unconscious.

i then made my blood clone disappear and then It said y/n ln won.i walked away Victorious with just scratches.i healed them anyway.

Naruto fight came he won then it was temari vs tenten temari it was Gaara vs lee I made sure I was ready to heal Lee leg and so he can use chakra.once his fight was over I walked down twords lee.

the medicine ninja was about to protest untile I grabbed Lee and heal his hole leg and bones and fixed his chakra pouch and all he have to do is rest for a couple of week maybe 2.

after that I told guy sensei and the medical ninja.they nodded and took Lee and layed him on a stretcher.neji vs Hinata neji won I Heald Hinata and her eyes and chakra points.after that I got a letter saying that I fighting kankrou.i just nodded and went home.

I spent the rest of my time telling the hokages and shushi my plain zabuza and haku was there so I made the hokages visible there eyes widen then they started to talk to the hokages and shushi.i smiled I then got up and took a shower.once done I said haku zabuza and shushi cuddles please they nodded.

and walked over to me zabuza picked me up and walked to my room I then change my room back into the one with all the bunk beds shushi zabuza and haku layed down.haku was on my right zabuza on my left and shushi laying directly on my chest.i then turn on the tv and made them watch some of my (favorite movies) with me.

We ate talked and then we went to sleep.i smiled I liked the thought of spending time with them.
I make sure I teleport my outfit for tmr.

I make sure I teleport my outfit for tmr

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(What the outfit for tmr look like)

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