Chapter Two

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"I'm serious! Y/N!" My brother stood up from the sofa, repeating his state of 'seriousness' with his statement as though it would make it any more true

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"I'm serious! Y/N!" My brother stood up from the sofa, repeating his state of 'seriousness' with his statement as though it would make it any more true.

I shrugged, still uncertain of what to think of my brother's words. "Well, I just don't think we should jump to any conclusions, Y/B/N."

"And why the bloody hell might that be? All of the evidence is there!"

"I would hardly consider gossip from Ms. Mary's mouth to hold any truth to it. The old woman couldn't tell a true story if her life depended on it," I said, shaking my head before continuing on, "And it's not our place to judge their family either..."

Y/B/N scoffed, beginning to pace behind his couch with his hands on his hips, "I would find it hard to believe judgment is uncalled for, the family is one of crime! Crimes which haven't been accounted for nor—"

I stood up from my seat, making eye contact with my brother, "Nor proven, Y/B/N," I said. "I'm not saying I won't hold the folktales of Ms. Mary in mind. But I am saying it's not for us to conclude they are guilty of any of it, a drug cartel nonetheless! Don't you see how absurd that sounds?"

Y/B/N clenched his jaw as he scratched at the stubble on his chin, then his jaw, avoiding my eyes as he looked to the other side of the room instead.

"Brother," I continued, softening my voice so as not to cause any further irritation, "we can't say whether or not they did do anything, especially since the only connection to them and any crime of any sort is a mere rumor. There's no concrete release of information that proves anything... It's just a story," I shrugged, "and a malicious one at that. Our engaging in the rumor, it's-it's unrespectable and unkind... Not only would our actions be disappointing in themselves, but can you imagine the disappointment Mother would feel at hearing our involvement?"

My brother quieted for a moment, nodding before looking right at me, tapping his nose. "Ah," Y/B/N nodded while pointing at me, "I see what you're going on about. This is all just to charm mother, if I talk of a 'rumor' and you tried to talk any 'sense' to me about it being unkind, well then you'll just win her over won't you?"

"I don't need to charm Mother you buffoon, she's our Mother."

"But are you seeming to forget that with Y/S/N out of the house, there will be a new spot for a new favorite? All of the praises and acknowledgements being directed to someone who is not Y/S/N?"

"My goodness," I awed, "You're a bootlicker... You sad, ass-kissing, old, little man," I tisked.

"Hey! I am just two years older than you, you cretin! I'm nowhere near being an old man," he said, brushing his hand through his hair and straightening the front of his coat.

"I am aware of that brother," I nodded, opening my book as I relaxed into the sofa again, "And I am also aware as the youngest, I will most probably outlive you in age... Especially if your raging continues, I hear that's not good for the heart."

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