Chapter 2: Contract Talking

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Van scratched the back of his head, sheepishly, "So you do remember me."

"You were beaten to a pulp the first and last time I saw you. Not hard to forget," I snapped in English. "Why are you here?"

"Getting straight to the point," he adjusted his suit. "I like it. It's too awkward."

"Then just leave."

"No, no I'll stop talking, promise," he pleaded.

I sighed roughly. Last person I wanted to see right now. But if he doesn't sit and start talking, it's gonna take longer for him to leave. I gestured to one of the two visitor chairs in front of me for him to have a seat.

Van didn't waste a moment and accepted my offer. He laid a dark orange folder, similar to the ones I have around my desk, in front of him. I couldn't make out the crest mark of the hospital on the folder though.

"You're a scouter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded, proudly, "Easy career and free travels around the world. I was able to go to Australia and Austria just a few days ago until I got your profile."

I continued signing the offer from England, "I bet you were all so happy to have seen my face on the document."

"Not exactly," he sighed. "More excited I got to put a name to your face. Neither my sister or Naruto told me when I asked."

My pen immediately stopped writing at the mention of his name. Naruto...

Van caught my reaction, "Oh uh... sorry. I-I forgot you umm."

I sighed roughly, "Forget it. You still haven't told me why you're here scouting me and for what hospital."

"I'm scouting you because you're one of the best emergency doctors out there," he said, his voice almost professionally done. "And I'm from, uh..."

"Spit it out," I demanded.

"Uzumaki Hospitals," he said almost too fast, hoping I didn't catch it.

Too bad, I did.



"No," I repeated. "I don't accept your contract terms."

"But you haven't even seen the contract or even took the time to think about it, either!"

"Alright," I paused. "No!"


I'm angry now and I'm usually a very cool person.

"I have no flipping idea why you would even approach me with a contract," I started. "What make you people think it's okay to scout me for your emergency room. Tell Naruto I'm not interested, final."

"Naruto doesn't know, actually," Van said.

"Then who really sent you?"

"Um, Naruto did but the head of Hyuga Hospitals aka your father sent the information straight to me."

"Shhhh!" I snapped. "Nobody here knows my father owns this hospitals and the twenty others. I plan to keep it that way."

"Why? Aren't you proud that you got to work in Daddy's little hospitals?" he raised an eyebrow, a smirk creeped across his perfect face.

I wanted to punch his pretty face in. I didn't want the doctors and nurses around here to know I got my job because my father owned them. No, I got my job because of my own hard work, sweat, and forty hours of constant studying on weekends.

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