Chapter 10: Reunion Part I

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Hinata's POV

I've never seen Van so flattered. His eyes never left my body, causing me to blush once again in front of his dufus of a nice face.

He looked... in other words... absolutely amazing and stunning and ugh! I need to stop. But the suit with the lavender tie was just so... perfect.

Are we going to prom or something? It's just a huge coincidence and he just so happens to know my favorite color is any flipping shade of purple someone can create in the world.

The only light that illuminated him was the street light a few feet away. He stood at the bottom of the metal staircase. My neighbor came home right when I closed my door so I still didn't get to greet her. I now know that my neighbor seems like she's also getting ready for a party as well.

I'm praying that my neighbor is Skylar Sims from the hospital. I know I'll enjoy that.

For now, I need to try to figure out how to survive the party with my 'date' then spend the rest of the night at the hospital dealing with the drunkards of LA.

Van held out a hand to help me down the last three steps of the stairs. In the white heels, I will fall, no joke.

He didn't say anything. Van only smiled at my appearance making my blush worsen. We walked to his car, hand in hand no words exchanged between us.

I haven't seen Naruto once which is either a bad thing or a good thing. How about good first. It's good because I'm not affected or not constantly thinking about him. Bad because I'm going to have to run into him eventually and I have no idea how affected I will be when it happens.

For eight years, I've never ever formed a scernario where Naruto and I would reunite. I always came up with the theory that he's probably going to marry Valerie and then his little affair with her would become official while I meet some hot Korean guy and bam! We get married with like two kids.

Never in a century would I ever consider Van an actual option until now. He still has a small chance but he has a bigger one than someone that shan't be named.

"You look quite stunning this evening mi'lady," he said, with a British accent.

I smiled up at him, "You don't look so bad yourself."

Van faked a surprised gasp, "What tis this? Did Lady Puppy finally praise me for my sexy charms? Why, damn me for not recording it."

I playfully punched his arm. This guy, knows what to do to make me laugh.

The walk to his car was cut short as some headlights filled my vision. Van, being the gentleman he is, shielded my eyes for me and squinted his own.

I'm not two, you know.

Not a car but a black limo pulled up behind Van's parked car on the sidewalk across the street, a little close to Van's bump causing him to cringe.

We both watched as the driver killed the engine and the back door opened.

I nearly collapsed right then and there. The spiky black hair, the black eyes, the look of surprise behind them when they settled on me.

"S-Sasuke-kun," I whsipered, mainly to myself.

Van glanced at me than back at the ever fast approaching figure.

How, how did he know where I lived?! The only people that actually know where I live is Van, Jason and -

"Sasuke! You're here!"

And Sakura...

I gaped. I hate fate or whatever you call it. It's mashed all of the familiar faces I'm trying to avoid into one sticken location.

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