Chapter 12: Dance with Me

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Naruto looked at Valerie with wide eyes of surprise at her sudden proclamation. He didn't even look at me which is all good in my opinion.

"What you up to, Val?" He asked, removing his mask.

Sasuke glanced from Valerie to me to Naruto on repeat trying to figure out an escape route for me.

After eight long years, I was able to see Naruto's beautiful face, his beautiful body, everything that I can't get off of reading a news article on Yahoo.

He cut his hair. His long blonde hair now shorten, giving him the more grown up look. His blue eyes didn't twinkle like they used to whenever looked at me but they were more alive than when we separated after I kissed him goodbye.

"Nothing much," she shrugged. "I just thought it'd be cool you actually met your employees."

Naruto sighed, "I still haven't met the Hyuga chump yet."


"Well the chump is right here," Valerie pulled me a bit. "Meet Dr. Lee."

Finally, pale eyes meet ocean blue for the first time in years; one knows who their dealing with the other trying to figure out who the hell is he talking to.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Lee," he smiled and extended his hand.

I gently shook his hand, "It's an honor."

His face registered the hand shake slowly as he looked at me with close narrowed eyes, trying to figure out who I am. I looked away.

The tension was so thick that Daisuke stopped playing with a scar I had on my shin.

He suddenly gave me his signature giant goofy smile, "For a second I though I got to hire the Dr. Lee. It's surprising the Hyugas have another Dr. Lee in medicine."

I laughed nervously, "Y-yeah I'm not that good."

"You even shutter like that Dr. Lee," he pointed out to Sasuke. "Doesn't she shutter like Hinata used to?"

"Uh, yeah the exact same," Sasuke said through gritted teeth.

A slow song started playing. Naruto chuckled as he extended a hand to me, "Then may I have this dance, my new employee?"

My eyes widened. What the hell just happened? How did just first meeting somebody turn into asking that person to slow dance together to a slow song? He doesn't even know what my face looks like yet.

Excuses! Come up with an excuse!

"I'd love to," I took his hand. "But you're going to have to pry a munchkin attached to my leg."

Sasuke sighed in frustration, "I'll take care of him."

At the sound of his uncle's voice, Daisuke immediately released my leg and stumbled over to Sasuke. Picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder, "Have a fun dance."

Valerie patted my back once before pushing me towards Naruto, "I'll go find my brother."

I opened my mouth to stop her. They're all just going to ditch me like this?! Some friends they are.

Naruto led me to the floor as gently as he can, his big hand squeezing mines lovingly.

I hesitated before wrapping my arms around his nice black tuxedo vest as we silently swayed to the beautiful music. I didn't pay attention to anything else.

Since Naruto's mask is off, I could his broad cheek bones roll, his whisker cheeks getting a little red under the light, and his eyes still studying my pale ones.

"You must be ten times older than me yet here we are," he chuckled quietly. "Dancing like we're the same age and in love."

In love... such a foreign thing I never forgot.

"Then why are you flirting with me?" I whsipered.

He smiled, "You remind me of my... I don't want to say ex but my former lover so much."

"Really now?"

The CEO nodded, "Believe it or not, I've never stopped loving her. Can you give me some advice?"


"I made a promise," he sighed. "Right after I became the CEO after the last director passed, I made a promise that I will do everything in my power to come and get her back. Even if she has fallen in love with someone else, I will make her mines again."

"Okay," not like I didn't know that much.

"Thinking about it she figured out I had a daughter a few hours before I got the phone call so I thought she never wanted to see me again," he sighed. "So I was punishing myself for not getting what I want."

His voice cracked once, "And what I really want is her to be mines."

I had to calm my breathing because of his words. Don't get fooled Hinata, he's just making his excuses.

"So if, for the rest of my life, I want to make things up to her, would she be okay with that?"

I looked at him, "If you want my input on this, Mr. President, I would say what you need to do is make sure she knows that and doesn't think that you're just making excuses. This girl, was everything to you and by your story, you were her world that she even shared her first loving kiss as goodbye to you."

Surprise passed through his eyes but they completely disappeared. Suddenly, the life that had been missing returned but his smile was forced, "You're right. The next time I see her, I will propose to her. That way, she can be my queen forever."

Yeah if you find her ever again...


Naruto's POV

My hands slammed on my desk. I've found her. I've finally, finally found her. I drew deep breaths, trying to convince myself that this isn't a dream. That Hinata was the one I was dancing with and blindly hired.

I need to confirm it though. Her knowing that we shared our first kiss that day she left was not enough. I never told anybody about it and there might be a chance that she did tell someone.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number of the devil himself.

"Naruto," he growled after a ring.

"Hey nice talking to you, too Neji listen," I paused. "Who passed the test and now working for me for a few months in the ER?"

"I thought you knew," he said. "My cousin idiot. Hinata accidentally passed when she saved a thyroid cancer patient."

My dead heart finally picked up speed, "That's all I needed. Thanks."

I hung up and threw my phone across my desk.

Hinata, my sweet innocent Hinata. I don't believe it.

Grabbing my TV remote, I turned on CNN once again.

"Now focusing on what's really hot," the anchor woman said, a picture of Hinata showing on the left hand screen, "Dr. Hinata Lee gets into an argument with Dr. Kabuto at the ER in in the main building of the Uzumaki hospital upon arrival. It seems like there's going to be a huge rivalry between the two because one is the legacy of the Hyugas whereas the other is the legend of the Uzumaki. Now the two hospitals are rivals, so there will be new drama happening in the ER from now on. We will be keeping you posted."

I switched it off. Hinata is here... and this time, I'm not letting her out of my life, hell even out of my sight!

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