Chapter 14: Magnolia

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Thinking about doing a spinoff featuring Kiba x one of the girls of SMOS. Let me hear your thoughts.
Hinata's POV

And so I did, hear from him everyday in fact. Every morning coming into work, I'd see a purple rose on my desk; attached to it some kind of sappy love quote along with him wishing me a good day. Before I leave for the night, there would be another wish telling me to have a good night. If I work overnight shifts, there's going to be a venti coffee from Starbucks waiting at my desk for me.

Stabbed victim coming it. Right above his heart damaged right atrium Need the specialist immediately!

Yeah, like hell I'm gonna let Kabuto handle this. If the patient, say, were poor or had not insurance, he might as well be dead.

And I just got a wink of sleep, too.

It's been a month already. I've ran into Naruto from time to time and every time, he'd wink at me in the halls. Since most the time I'd be with either Skylar or one of my interns, they'd give me wild looks like I grew three horns. Skylar even said that before I came, Naruto never smiled at anybody. And now he's smiling and greeting everybody in his way if I'm around? Well, you're very welcome.

Peaceful life nonetheless, I must say and my popularity among the hospital seniors are starting to arise considering I have saved countless victims suffering from after effects of heart attacks, bringing cardiac arrest victims back from the dead, delivered two sets of twins and a set of triplets, and finally cleaned out a child's ear infection without intending to. All the while, arguing with Kabuto, of course, on what's ethical or not that the ethics board didn't really have to decide anything.

I swear that guy has cold-blooded written all over his hands.

Getting up, I threw my lab coat on and ran outside, barking at Dr. Hudson through his office door. He's my new chess partner for late nights and believe me, he's a genius. We ended with both only having only a pawn and a bishop during both games before he said he needs to sleep.

The doctor ran out right after me, "I'll get Fletcher. He's still here because he's the night intern last night."

I nodded as he took a turn towards the intern library.

Some nurses were right behind me as we head to an EOR when I stopped and told a nurse, "Grab the other cardiovascular specialist but not Dr. Kabuto. We're going to only argue if he were to come in."

"Yes ma'am," the nurse ran off at top speed.

Fletcher sprang out of nowhere just as the doors of the ER slid open, helping the rest of the paramedics roll the patient in.

I made in time to help them lift and transfer to the hospital bed.

"One, two, three," I counted and the patient groaned in pain.

Fletcher flinched.

"Fletch come here," I called.

He didn't hesitate as he appear close to my side.

"Tell me, what should we do to a heart stab wound?"

He blinked at me in surprise. I could see the panic in his eye. He best not be panicking.

"Breathe Fletcher," I said as calm as I can. "What do you do to a cardiac stab wound first?"

The fear slowly disappeared as he heard my gentle voice. He took a deep breath and the determination on his face nearly made me smile.

"Incision and then we..."


The poor intern collapse in the library in relief. I patted his shoulders with a proud smile.

The patient was saved thanks to this panicking kid. He took care of the whole emergency procedure single handedly, under my watch, of course.

The nurses congratulated him, too but he didn't say anything.

The intern looked at me, proud, "All thanks to you, Chief."

"Go home now," I said. "Call in everybody else. You get the rest of the day off, buddy."

He sprang out of his chair, "Really Chief?! Awesome thanks!"

And he was out of here faster than me if Naruto and I were in the same room.

"Dr. Lee," speak of the devil.

I turned my back to the glass walls windows so he doesn't see my face.

"Uh I need to run," I said as fast as I can and ran towards the door.

He's blocking the damn door with his damn broad chest.

"You can't run from me," he said softly.

I didn't dare look up. I hid my face in his chest and tie.

This is the first time I've actually talked to him one on one like this since a month ago. All his antics are starting to make me soft. I realized I didn't yell at Fletcher for hesitating earlier when I should've.

He's making me soft again. And... loved again.

Do I trust him enough to let myself fall for him again?

"O.M.G!!! IT'S REALLY HER!!!" the sudden little fangirl scream broke into my thoughts.

Lifting my head from Naruto's familiar chest, I looked behind him at a little kid girl jumping up and down in her school uniform.

"Shhh! Magnolia I told you to be quiet," he hissed.

"Oops, sorry Daddy," I nearly giggled at her. Her crazy attitude, exactly like her father's.

Naruto turned back to me, the full on loving smile melting me slowly, "I want you to meet somebody extremely important to me, Mags. So don't scare her off immediately."

"How important?" The little girl challenged.

"Very," he answered and beckoned for her to come to him.

Magnolia, a little eight year old girl with brown hair tied into a high ponytail. When she was about Daisuke's age, I found out her father was well, her father. I never blamed her for our breakup but more of I was disappointed she wasn't Naruto's and mines. She was Naruto's and Valerie's.

"H-hi!" She squealed excitedly, extending a hand to me. "I'm Magnolia Uzumaki! I-it's such an honor to meet the Dr. Hinata Lee! I'm your biggest fan! You're my idol!"

I shook her hand, causing her to squeal even louder, "Dr. Hinata Lee shook my hand! EEEP!!! My friends are so going to be jealous!"

She tackled me with a bear hug, "And you're special to my daddy! Can you please stay with us forever and ever?!"

I giggled and glanced up at her father. He chuckled with me, "Calm down, Mags. I told you not to scare her off."

My pager beeped in my lab coat pocket.

Gun wounded victim coming in in 10. Leg wound, lost lots of blood

Everything happens in LA, doesn't it?

"I'm sorry, I have to run," I said to both the father and the daughter.

Magnolia released me immediately, "Go! Work your magic! I expect to see you tonight on the news, my idol."

I nodded with a smile and walked towards the door when Naruto gently grabbed my arm, "I expect to see you tonight when you come over for dinner."

I glanced at him, "What?"

"Just you, me and the house at 8," he winked with a smirk. "See you there, Hina."

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