Chapter 21: YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM?!

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Naruto slept for most the day. I just wandered around his house at the same time, watching the cops and investigators cleaning Van's house all the while gathering as much evidence as they could. I was surprised I never saw Valerie or Magnolia at all during this whole incident. Magnolia is probably in school but what about her mother? Or aunt in this case...

I still don't know how I'm supposed to feel about all of this. I'm happy that Naruto really isn't a father to anybody else's child but at the same time. I'm sad that Magnolia has been lied to for years on end. How's the poor child supposed to live with all these lies anyway?

I shook my mind. That's for Naruto and the family to figure out. If I became nosy, I'd only make it worst. So to pass the time, I decided to teach Hayden how to fetch without freaking out when the ball came towards his face. The puppy is slow, but after two hours he figured it out.

I also bathed him with a hose afterwards because I'm guessing the last time Naruto washed him was when he first got the dog.

After making sure Hayden had a good dinner and his bed was as comfortable as it could get, I locked the little doghouse and bid the shiba inu good night.

By the time I was inside, it was about seven o'clock. The sun had just set, too. Turning on all the lights, I got to work making some ramen for my boyfriend. Something he likes and it's easy for him to swallow.

I placed all the food including a glass of water on the tray and navigated my way around the giant house. It took longer than I expected, but the giant double doors came into view after about seven minutes of making random turns.

I knocked once before opening the door. There was Naruto, sitting with his back against his headboard and a TV remote in his hand. His ocean blue eyes looked unfocused and dull for a few seconds before they completely lit up when he saw me enter the room.

"Dinner so you can take more pills," I replied, showing him the tray.

The CEO beckoned me to come in. Since his long legs were stretched under the blanket, I sat at the edge and placed the tray of food on his lap.

"Thanks Hina," he smiled, picking up the chopsticks. "I was starving."

"Eat up then," I smiled.

My boyfriend didn't waste a second and started wolfing down the noodles. We made small talk as he ate about the weather about the ESPN report on the university softball teams, about whatever came to mind. All the while, I resisted the urge to kiss him while he ate.

"That was amazing!" He exclaimed, falling backwards into his mountain of pillows.

I took the tray off his lap, "Glad you enjoyed it."

"Hey, put it there," he instructed, pointing at the floor. "Come and cuddle with me for a bit."

"At least let me put the leftover broth and wash the di-"

He grabbed my wrist gently and took the tray out of my hand. With his new arm, he pulled me into his chest. Of course, I blushed but feeling the warmth radiating off his chest along with the gentle beating of his heart, it soothed me a bit.

Naruto covered us with his blanket and started stroking my hair slowly. No words were exchanged for about half an hour. No words needed to be though. I mean, I'm hear in Naruto's arms, where he can protect me and I him if anything were to happened.

And that's all I need for the rest of my life.


Since Naruto technically missed Sasuke's little surprise engagement party because he was out for it, Sasuke decided to throw it in two Saturdays, while everybody was still in town.

The girls of SMOS along with my old girlfriends from Konoha all decided it'd be cool to stay at my little apartment. Not like it's an issue, Naruto makes me stay at his house more than I do at home. Yes, yes we do occasionally get it on but it's not an everyday thing! That I promise because with his stamina... let's just say it's about the same as a horse.

But part two of my little love story with Naruto begins just like this...

I stayed at his house again and yes, we did it again the night before. I think I was asleep, maybe I was in the dimension in between but whatever it was, I shot out of his bed, with his blanket wrapped around me and straight into his bathroom; the bile on my tongue threatening to spill out.

"Hinata?" Naruto's voice sounded into his toilet. "You alright?"

I finished puking with a groan. Totally not attractive at all. I washed his toilet and washed my mouth, all the while the blanket like a cape around my shoulders.

Naruto appeared behind me, naked might I add, and started rubbing my shoulders, "Hey baby, how you feeling now?"

I sighed, "Yeah, just a small cold."

Without saying anything else, he wrapped the blanket around me tighter and lifted me bridal style. I snuggled into his warm chest as we headed back to his bed together. I feel terrible! My brain is pounding, my whole body is burning up or something.

Once he laid me down on his bed, my boyfriend slipped on his sweats before jumping in bed again. He pulled me so I was against his chest as he kissed my head and stroked my hair.

"It's okay, everything will be okay, I'm here," he murmured like a lullaby.


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Naruto asked, his hand squeezed mines in worry.

I didn't puke again all morning which is a good thing in both our parts. He made me some porridge and drove me home. That's where we're now, right in front of my apartment door with him not wanting to let go. But he had an important meeting today so he had to go, no matter how much I wanted him to stay.

I started playing with my lock, "I'll be fine. Sakura is here along with a whole bunch of other girls. They'll keep a close eye on me."

Naruto pouted, "But I want to be the one to take care of you."

I pinched his nose playfully, "Then you better hurry to the meeting and come home early then."

The door opened with a sleepy looking Bubbles. She blinked twice before groaning, "Why can't you open your own damn door?"

"I didn't ask you to open it," I smiled.

The rest of the girls were awake considering how loud the kitchen was. Bubbles is the heaviest sleeper in the world. The whole duplex could explode and she'd still be sleeping.

Ino, Tenten, Hyo, and Sakura appeared behind Bubbles, "Good morning love birdies!"

"Can you guys keep it down a bit?" Naruto asked. "Hinata has a huge cold and she's gonna need all the quiet and rest she can get."

I gulped as I felt all the glares directed at me.

"Oh we'll be quiet, Naruto," Sakura hissed. "Just run along now."

"Thanks," Naruto smiled before kissing my cheek. "I gotta run, I'll call you later."

I watched him jog down the little patio and down the metal stairs. I didn't notice someone grab my arm and pull me inside. Bubbles locked the door so here I was, in the middle of my own messy living room with looks of judgement and anger filling every girl's face.

"Good morning guys," I said, as happily as I could.

"HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM?!" they all said in unison.

I plugged my ears for a bit as the echo went away.

"Because I was chicken!" I replied.

"Yeah, really chicken, Hina," Temari, who was standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen snapped. "Come on. He needs to know!"

"I don't know how to word it," I said, honestly. Really, I didn't.

"Is 'hey Naruto-kun, in about nine months you're going to be a father' so hard?" Gi-yi asked.

I stood up and looked at everybody in turn, "It's hard because I don't want him to doubt that I'm actually pregnant with his kid. He was just lied to for eight years about a kid being his, I just don't think it's time he knows yet."

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