Chapter 25: Naruto and Father

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"Your mother was pregnant with Hanabi when Orochimaru attacked us that night," my father started. "Hanabi was a whole month early because they had to do a C-section due to all the injuries your mother received from the little encounter with him. She was already weak from the liver cancer she was diagnosed with a few months before the attack. After the C-section, the cancer became too serious too fast that she lost her life a few months later."

His voice cracked as he finished his short story of my mother's death. I needed time, I never talked or thought much about my mother because the more I thought; the harder it was to accept that I didn't have one to raise me. I didn't believe in all the religious stuff like she's watching over me or anything because yes, I am a doctor or a scientist at that. I didn't believe in the after world but...

I glanced at my father, he was trying his hardest to keep himself together. I've never seen my father so vulnearble in my life. It's probably because I never really came to ask him about my mom since I knew it was the hardest conversation to have with him.

My father really loved my mother and I guess it never stopped considering he never remarried even once.

I looked away, ashamed I made him this weak. My father is a strong man, never will he show his true feelings; even to his own blood. Seeing him this way, I don't know how to react.

"Hinata~" the sing song voice filled the breeze, surprising the both of us.

I glanced towards the black steps to see Naruto, in his casual clothes walking up the stairs, a giant goofy smile plastered on his face. His expression quickly turned into shock as he recognized who I was talking to.

The previous display of emotion coming from Father disappeared as he cleared his throat. Naruto's own little happy face became his serious business face.

He had bags of food or something in his hands but he left them at the top of the stairs and walked over to us, standing close by my side while facing my father as well.

My fiance bowed to show his respect, "Mr. Hyuga."

"Mr. Uzumaki, what brings you here on this fine morning?" Father said. "From what I see, it seems like my daughter and her friends were having a girl's day."

I completely forgot I texted Naruto to bring us some snacks in exchange for some pancakes and a kiss.

Naruto didn't say anything.

"Look, I know you two have things to do on your day off while I have some business to attend to in town so I will cut this conversation short," Father cleared his throat again.

Naruto's artificial fingers found mines behind his back. Giving my hand a tight squeeze, he mentally told me let him do all the talking.

"When is the wedding?"

... come again?

"Wedding," Father said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Your wedding, when is your wedding day?"

"Eh?" Naruto was probably not expecting that either. "I would have to get back to you on that."

"How about your theme?"

"Dad," I said. "He proposed yesterday afternoon."

He didn't take that as an excuse, "Well, chop chop! You better start planning! I will text you the number of the world's greatest wedding planner tonight so you guys can start and while your friends are still in town. And I highly doubt you want to wait too long," he glanced at my stomach. "Because Naruto Jr. or Hinata Jr. can't wait to grow."

Right.... I'm pregnant. Oops.

The beeping of my father's phone made him realize he did actually have professional plans for the day.

He glanced at his phone before tucking it in the pocket in the inside of his suit.

"I have to run," he glanced at Naruto. "But one more thing."

"What is it, sir?"

My father walked in dangerously close, "If I ever hear, you hurt my daughter ever again. I will do many illegal things to you that both Shikamaru and Kiba will have to arrest me in my next ten lives in order to make sure I follow the law."

Naruto gulped, "A-aye aye, captain."

A small satisfied smile plastered his face, "That's a good boy."

He started walking away but without thinking I called out to him.


He stopped and looked at me.

"You want to go out to dinner tonight with me? There's a really good Japanese restaurant not to far from here."

Surprise shone in his pale eyes at my words. Honestly, I had no idea what I just said either.

"I will have to check my schedule and get back to you," I'll take that as a yes, Dad.


Naruto flopped down on my bed, exasperated from talking with my father by the looks of it.

"I survived!"

I sat at the end of my bed where his head was resting, patting his forehead twice, "Good job, young warrior."

He rolled over with a chuckle before returning to his original position, "But about our wedding, your old man's right. I think it's best we have it soon because of the baby."

The man suddenly sat up, placing his real hand on my still flat stomach, "Is he kicking?"

I shook my head, looking at Naruto's hand, "I've only been pregnant for a month or four weeks. Which means the embryo probably just split into two. A special tissue that delivers must-have nutrients and oxygen to our baby is formed to feed the child through the whole pregnancy. The other half continues to grow and a sheet of cells has just begun to create the neural tube, where the baby's brain, spinal cord and backbone will ultimately form."

When Naruto didn't say anything, I looked at him; he blinked twice.

"Are you the human Wikipedia or something?"

I playfully pushed him, "Year two in medical school and that's all we really focused on. The development of babies."

"So put it in terms I can understand, not Sasuke," he pouted.

I giggled, "When I told everybody I was pregnant, he pointed and asked if a human being was actually in my stomach."

"I did better!"

"You called me the human Wikipedia!"

His arms wrapped around me, "Yet you still love me anyway."

"You're really lucky I love you," I rested my check against his warm chest.

"He he."

The door to my room suddenly burst open, "HINA! FEED US -"

I looked over Naruto's shoulders in embarrassment at our intruder. Hyo was standing there pointing to her mouth when she stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she waved her hands. "I was interrupting! I'll just get Sakura to feed us. You two, go back to your little mushy time I'll leave you alone."

And she was gone.

"I'm worried about that one," Naruto said softly.

"I am, too."

"Now, more important things we need to discuss," his chin rested on my head. "Our wedding, when do you want it to be and where?"

I played with his little crystal necklace as I thought.

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