Chapter 3: Help Me

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Some people are really happy for this update... (theredscarf-hina) so here it is!!!

Hinata's POV:

Reporters are the scariest human species in the world, I'll tell you. They're amount of energy and determination is going to kill someone someday. I was just really, really lucky to have escaped.

I needed some advice and my new friends here in Seoul won't be able to help. I sort of lied when I said I cut off all ties with my old buddies in Konoha. Truthfully, I uh, kept in contact with one person and she was able to help me through thick and thin.

Plus she was the one who introduced me to the KPOP stars actually.

Name: Ino or her stage name iKnow here.

Yep, she's a singer or whatever you call it here in Korea. My friend had given me a ticket to go with her to a JYP Entertainment audition three years ago to get me out of my room. Imagine my surprise when Ino walked on stage and started singing.

After her audition, I ran into her in the bathroom. She was angry, hurt about what I did. I didn't apologize, only stood there feeling sorry for them and for me for being so stupid. Ino pulled me into a hug and demanded my number right then and there, saying everybody is going crazy about my sudden disappearance.

Ino was recruited by JYP after that. She along with three other girls, Go Ji-yi, Bubbles, and Hyo made up the popular girl group, See Me Over the Stars or SMOS for short. They debuted six months ago, I got front row seats of course and back stage passes.

Ino and the girls live together in a dorm provided by JYP not far from the building. I always stay over if my own modern house is boring or the hospital is too chaotic for me to handle.

I drove towards the JYP entertainment building to find my old friend. She's supposed to have some kind recording today with the rest of SMOS so I'll be waiting for her afterwards. All the way there, I prayed to all the heavens that at least Ino could help me deal with this situation. I'm not ready to give up my perfect life for a drama filled one again.

I'm not ready to accidentally fall in love with Naruto again. Happened once before, don't want it to happen again.

The security guard only nodded a greeting at me as I made my way up the stairs. I'll never get used to the celebrities roaming these halls. There's the infamous 2PM, miss A, Wonder Girls, and now SMOS! I went up to the first floor, there hanging out were Taecyeon and Wooyoung of 2PM. They waved at me, I bowed. Too hot to exist those two.

The third floor, where the record studio and dance rooms (I think) are located. Through the crack door of the dance studio, I caught a glimspe of miss A practicing for their new album release in a few days. Nobody noticed me there which I was glad. Didn't want to draw too much attention to myself right now.

I knocked on the door of the recording studio once really softly before opening and entering. The girls of SMOS were resting on the furniture outside the recording booth as I entered. Ino, who was spinning around on the computer chair near the controls stopped when she saw me.

"Hinata!" she exclaimed, leaping out and into my arms. "Ugh! Girl, it's been too long!"

I returned the hug, "You've been to busy with your album. Not my fault."

Hyo was next in giving me a hug. She's the youngest and craziest of the group in my opinion but I love her to death. She's my height with constantly changing hair color and dark brown eyes. Hyo is the little bundle of random energy for her group.

"Yo, Hinata," Bubbles, the most mature one of the group, saluted me (?) with her back to me, "Just saw the news, girl!"

Ji-yi was one her feet facing me with a huge smile, "A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! Under all that crazy

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