Chapter 5: The One I Trust

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Hinata's POV

"Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy," I said, my eyes never leaving my magazine.

"Oh, sorry," the man sitting next to me adverted his gaze away.

I glanced at him, "Don't think this changes anything between us, Van. You're still a bastard that gotten beaten up by Naruto."

Van nodded his understanding, "You still hate me, noted."

To be completely honest, I didn't mind his attention. Van wasn't in his fancy suit instead, he was just in simple basketball shorts and a white tee. It's simple but still... hot, maybe? He's so casual and ugh! It's driving me crazy!

Focus Hinata, you're supposed to be in love with Naruto. No, that's not right, it's more of you're supposed to be moving on from Naruto. But not with his old crazy idiot of an enemy.

I've been stuck on the plane with him for twenty hours already! Well, actually he did stay at my apartment for three days while I got my paperwork done. People asked if he was my husband! Not boyfriend, HUSBAND!

Uh, no. They all needed glasses...

We were only five minutes from LA. The last time I was here, I got to shake hands with Taylor Swift for a newspaper/news story. Now, I'm going back because my dad broke some stupid truce contract with my ex's company.

That's just perfect. I love my life...

The plane suddenly jolted, waking me out of my daze. I glanced out my window to find the plane had touched landed at LAX, an airport where millions of celebrities have walked. I wonder, do I add to that list?

"We have landed in LAX and welcome to California," the captain sang through the speakers. "Kamsahamnida for flying Korean Air and we hope
you have enjoyed your flight."

The ding signalling that seat belts can be taken off was like a signal for all animals to run wild. People scrambled out of their seats trying to reach for their bags to avoid the incoming traffic from the economy section.

Van, having played football through high school and parts of college, was able to leap out of his seat and grab both of our bags at the same time, my hand, and drag me out of the plane; weaving through the loud, loud angry people.

As we entered the little tunnel connecting the plane and the airport, his grip tightened, "Just stay close to me, Puppy. There are all sorts of people here and you don't want to run into trouble."

"Do I have to remind you I have a second degree black belt?" I sighed, following him nontheless, "I'd hurt them. Heal them, then kill them again and again."

He looked over at me with a scared expression that softened almost immediately, "Then I better keep you close."

Unintentionally, a blush crept up to my cheeks. I had to look away from his drowning brown eyes right away otherwise, he'd see how much effect his words had on me.

Thank the heavens that guys are so blind because Van looked away without a single doubt. With our carry-ons in his other hand, we made our way into the airport.

"She's here!" was the gunshot to destruction.

I thought I had died right then and there because of the amount of flashes surrounding my vision. I did not expect all of LA to be there, flashing photography and a whole bunch of people trying to jump me with question right then and there.

When I was finally able to see, I saw two giant security guards holding off the press with their bodies. Something tells me, by the way the guards were struggling with keeping these beasts back, they had no idea I'd be flying in.

I had no idea I was this famous...

My hood finally shielded part of my vision and I was yanked away. Van must've covered my face to stop the crazy attacks but let me tell you this... it's a battlefield.

"How did they even get in here? I thought nobody is allowed passed the security gates unless they're actually traveling," I asked Van, looking up at his exhausted face.

"Lesson number one about America," he held up a finger. "The press would buy a $500 plane ticket and camp out around the gates until the celebrity arrives or leaves. By law, it isn't illegal but it is deemed crazy."

Yep, a lot of crazy people.

Oh, and that herd wasn't the last one. We encountered several others as we made our way out of the crazy airport and into the parking lot. Van had to request some guards to help us until we got to his dark red Cobra Mustang parked in the parking lot.

Van helped me into the passenger seat before throwing our carry-ons into the backseat, then dashed over to the driver's side. He sank into his seat and locked the doors.

"I am never traveling with you ever again, Puppy," he breathed with a chuckle.

I shrugged, "Not my fault I like saving people."

"Dude," he sat up. "Even half the celebrities here don't get attacked like that! You're like some mythical creature that just arrived on Earth and everybody must know every aspect of your life."

"What can I say? I'm one of a kind," I flashed him a grin.

"Yes, yes you are," he chuckled.

Again with the blushing!

He started the engine, "I don't get it though. You're this amazing... yet our president broke up with you, why?"

Just like that, all the flattery between the two of us froze. My whole heart stopped completely pumping and it dropped into a pit of complete disgust.

"I," I looked out the window at the crazy fans. "I ended things with him because of your sister."

I hoped that ended the conversation right there. For the past three days since Van returned as the good guy in my life, I had completely cleared my mind of Naruto and my past. Van had a giant part in that. He joked, helped, and followed me everywhere making sure I wasn't a lonely soul.

He even met Ino and the rest of her girls. Nearly got his face punched in by Ino but they're all good now. Well, he is. Ino still wants to kill him along with Hyo and Bubbles. Ji-yi was wondering how Van could be so attractive considering how hard she was trying to speak English with him

I could see Van shaking his head in the background, "No, you were afraid you'd be holding him back, right?"

"Just let it go, Van," I cletched my jaw. "Naruto has his own life and I have mines. Why we broke up has nothing to do with you so just let it go. It was both that I was holding him back and your stupid sister that seduced him!"

Van looked shock at my words but more importantly hurt. He bit his lip, not wanting to argue back with any sharp retort.

I stopped there, feeling way too guilty to function. It's not Van's fault nor is it anybody's fault. It's Naruto's to be exact but since I'm angry with Naruto, I took it out on Van, the only one who's been keeping me distracted and helping me move on when he knows he's literally a walking and breathing reminder of the guy who couldn't keep his promise.

I can count on Van and now I've hurt him.

I dropped my eyes, "Where's the nearest ice cream place?"


"Nearest ice cream place," I looked at his recovering, confused eyes. "Where is it?"

"About five minutes away," he replied.

"Good," I crossed the seat belt across my chest. "I'll buy. My apology to you but don't ever expect another."

Almost immediately, all the hurt were overcome with relief and warmth. His sorrow became the mischief that was missing before returned as he gave me a huge goofy smile, "I like a lot of ice cream so don't mind if I do."

I rolled my eyes but there was an amused smile on my lips, "But I'm more famous than Beyonce right now. I expect A-class protection."

"I won't let anything that can hurt you touch you, Puppy," Van said, a little too serious for my liking. "You're too important to me now to ever disappear."

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