Chapter 13: And So, They Meet Again

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Y'all are so passionate about the last four chapters that I'll be nice and give you two bonus chapters today! You're welcome! ;)
Hinata's POV

Sasuke and Sakura looked at me with absolute confusion. It's true though, their answer to their question is short and simple like that.

"I don't know how I felt about dancing with Naruto-kun," I repeated, trying to get the shock off their faces.

Sasuke looked a little worried with my answer. I really don't know what else to say. Naruto has no idea who I am and it's not like he's going to constantly see me since I'm just working in his emergency room.

Sasuke, Sakura, and I are hanging out at the cafe right by the hospital the three mornings later. Nothing much has happened after the dance. Naruto excused himself and never returned to the party, according to my diaper buddy. I haven't seen him since and listening in on the thousands of rumor roaming the halls of the hospital, Jason had been taken care of all the work while he's out sick for the days.

Sakura took a sip of her green tea, "We were expecting something else."

"I'm sorry but that's all I got," I shrugged, playing with the ice cubes in my coffee. "Naruto-kun has no flipping idea I was the lady behind the mask. And if he did, well he's not showing any signs of any interest whatsoever."

"It's going to get more complicated from here on out, Bookworm," Sasuke sighed. "You best be careful if you don't want him looking for you every second of the day."

"He's a CEO," I replied. "So, he'll be busy with all the CEO business while I save lives in his emergency room. We don't have to interact at all and I managed to survive our first encounter together."

Sakura gave me a small smile, "You must feel invincible."

"In a way," my phone beeped. I glanced at it, surprised to see a different phone number I've never seen before and asking me to:

Come to my office. I need to talk to you. In Kanji.

"Who texted?" Sasuke asked, throwing his arm around Sakura's shoulder at their shared booth.

I feel like a third wheel.

"I think I'm in trouble with someone," I flashed the message to the couple. "Do you know the number?"

Their eyes widened, shock written all over their face it isn't even funny.

I get the feeling I know who it is...


It took me FOREVER to find the damn office. I wandered into the baby floor twice and Skylar had to take me to the office the second time. Not my fault I suck at reading maps and signs. Plus this hospital is HUGE!

The giant door leading into the president's office stayed shut as I slowly walked up to it. The office had it's own floor that did not appear on the map, might I add. Probably one of the many reasons why I got lost, too.

I need to approach this meeting with confidence, with no shuttering, no nothing to see if he'll recognize me. I could always wear a doctor mask and say I'm sick but hell, that ain't no confidence!

I'm a different Hinata now. Whether he likes it or not, I'm different. I'm more confident no longer a shy little turtle who doesn't shutter when Naruto is around. I talk straight, I even yell at people for a living now.

Gathering myself up, I knocked on the door.

Jason appeared a second later, surprised at my appearance. Closing the door slightly he leaned in and whispered, "I didn't think you'd actually come."

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