Chapter 18: Don't Forget Me

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Sakura let me borrow her car since I don't have mines yet. I drove according to memory and was beyond happy to see the familiar gates of the Uzumaki resident. The security guard took one look at me with wide eyes and let me through without a single word.

Naruto said Van lived with his sister and niece in a house a little ways away from the main house. I drove passed Naruto's modern house to spot the smaller version of his house a little ways down. I'm praying to all the skies that Valerie is out and Magnolia is in school because I don't want them witnessing what is about to happen.

Stopping the car right in front of the house, all the anger I had honed up inside me didn't make me back track or even think twice about what I was about to get myself into. I rang the doorbell three times in the row and tapped my foot impatiently. I was about to go ring again when the locks started clicking.

Right when the door swung open, right when I registered that it was Van, my palm collided with his check right away.

Van didn't even look shock at my action. So he knew this was going to happen yet he did it anyway?

"It's funny how fast you assume it's me," he said, coldly. Not the same warm Van I looked up to for help or the friendly face that always made me laugh when necessary.

This was a face of somebody I have never met.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "What did you want to get from this? From humiliating Naruto and me, huh? Satisfaction? Or revenge because I chose to love him and not you? And here you say you love me when you wouldn't hesitate a moment longer if you had the upper hand on Naruto."

His warm eyes turned dark at my words. The man's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, "I do love you. I've always loved you but you're always out looking for a way to get hurt! You never appreciated me or all I've done for you so what I'm doing now, doesn't ever match the pain you've caused me in the past!"

"I know I've hurt you beyond any measure and I'm sorry for that," I growled. "But you have to understand! I don't love you the way you love me and I never will! But that doesn't mean I don't love you as a friend, as someone I need in my life; as someone I still want in my life! You're still important to me, Van! Even if I don't want you to be anything more than just a friend."

Van's face faltered at that. I could feel his hand loosening up a bit at my words. I meant every word. I might not be romantically interested in Van and I know I'm being selfish by asking him to continue on being my friend but he's just that important to me. I can't continue on without him.

"Oh, you better not be falling for this Vanny," a snake-like voice made my skin crawl as it sounded behind me.

The man's eyes hardened again but this time not from my conversation but from whoever is behind me.

A cold tip touched my back, sending chills beyond chills down my back. The cold metal, I don't need to look at it to know what it is.

A gun.

And the man holding it is ordering Van around, "She took the bait so take her inside now, Vanny boy."

"But I don't -"

The man clicked the gun once, "You better listen."

What the hell did I get myself into?


Inside, Van tied me down to one of his dining chairs without looking at my eyes once. But he didn't have to to let me know that the ropes are loose enough for me to break free and escape when needed.

But first, I needed to know who Van was associating with and why. I highly doubt it's to get revenge on Naruto and me because Van would probably just drink that off.

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