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['tis nothing like the outside]

Some call them weird, and some call them cool. They'd always camp in the woods, and they'd already encountered a lot of wild animals. There's even a rumor that one of them got bitten by a snake, but no one knows if it's true except for them.

They like taking pictures of dark places, and that's what they're famous for. But dark places and animals aren't the ones that they went there for, but those gorgons, goblins, fauns, werewolves, and vampires.

"Woah!" The three boys were amazed when they saw an enormous castle-like place. There are a lot of flowers on both sides of the palace, and in the middle is where you'll see a fountain.

"What's this place?" Jake mumbled, "Should we go inside?" Sunghoon asked. Judging by the looks, this place doesn't look harmless at all, and I don't think that we'll see what we're looking for here. Let's just go to a different place, "Jay told them.

"You're just scared." Sunghoon teased him and walked towards a man watering the plants. "I think he's the gardener here," Jake mumbled and pointed to the old man.

"Walk faster!" Sunghoon shouted at the two boys. "Oh, what are you boys doing here?" the old man asked them. "We're just wondering if we could go inside the palace and explore for a bit," Sunghoon replied.

"Are you sure that you want to go inside?"

Sunghoon said yes, while the other two, Jake and Jay, said no. "What do you mean, no?" Sunghoon looked at the two. "We'd love to go and see what's inside," Sunghoon added.

"If you insist, but gadgets aren't allowed inside, so the guards will have to check you." The old man spoke as he walked towards the entrance, and the boys just followed him.

"Are you sure about this, Hoon?" Jake whispered. Come on, of course I'm sure. If everything is boring, we'll leave. Who knows, maybe what we're looking for is inside this place, "

"Your bags please," The guards told the boys, and they gave them their bags. "We'll keep your phone, laptop, and your other gadgets. You can get this later when you get out," The guards told them and gave them their bag back.

All that's left in their bag is their food, water, clothes, pens, and papers. The other guard checked their pockets to see if they were wearing any gadgets, and the guards found nothing on them, so they're all clear to go.

The guard who was holding the box full of their gadgets went inside a room and left the box inside.

"Please follow me and fill out this form," The old man handed them a paper, and they proceeded to fill-up the form.

"Why would they ask for our age, birthday, and address?" Jay asked them. "I don't know, just fill in the form so we can explore inside already," Sunghoon told them. "Isn't this suspicious to you? Because to me it is, "Jake whispered."

"Last one, please put your fingerprint and put your signature over your printed name," the old man pointed to the paper.

"Uhm, Sir? Where's the ink pad?" Jay asked. "Oh right, you'll have to use this pin to prick your fingers so you can use your blood as the ink,"

"Suspicious," Sunghoon whispered. "Them getting our address is already suspicious," Jake replied. "What do you mean, getting our address is suspicious? Dude just checking our bags and taking our gadgets is already suspicious," Jay mumbled.

The boys finished putting their fingerprints on the paper, so they handed it to the old man. "What a nice name you boys have," the old man spoke. "Let's go inside. I'll give you a tour of the palace," The large door opened by itself and they were surprised by what they saw.

The outside of the palace is all bright and lovely, but the inside is dark, the windows give no warming sunlight, there are drops of blood on the floor, and the ambiance is very gloomy.


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