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[Tell him]

"He called you Seungie?" Ni-ki asked, confused. "Why would he call me that? Did he remember already?" The master whispered to himself while walking around in circles. "Will you please sit down? You're making me dizzy,"  

"I don't get it," Ni-ki once again spoke. "That's what he used to call Heeseung, they were so close back then as if they were conjoined twins because he always sticks to him," his brother explained.

"If he did remember, how? I thought you removed his memories of us before you sent him away," 

"I did but Dad did tell me before that no matter how much we remove a person's memories, some of it will stay if it's close to their heart," 

// Flashback // 

Note: During this time, the King was their late father and the Queen was their mother. 

"Sweetheart, call your brother, it's time for dinner," The Queen told his son. With a smile, he hurriedly ran towards his older brother's room. 

"Seungie, it's dinner time!" He exclaimed then they ran together towards the dining area. 

"Don't run, you'll get hurt," The King told them but knowing his children, they still won't stop running so he just shook his head and smiled at them. 

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

"Seungie! Can we ride the hippogriff together? please please please," the younger prince asked his older brother making a cute face. "Will it even be able to hold us both? I don't think it can," Heeseung replied, making his brother pout. 

"Mom, can you make Honky bigger so me and Seungie can ride it together?" 

"I can't, baby, it'll scare Honky," The Queen answered. The King raised his hand and with a flick, a carpet shaped like a hippogriff came flying towards them. "YAY!!" Heeseung and his brother ran towards it and rode it for as long as they wanted. 

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

Heeseung was reading his book, learning about magic, late at night, when someone knocked on his door. "Yes?" he responded with a calm voice. "Seungie? Can we go and ask Mom and Dad if we can sleep with them tonight?" 

"Of course, but why? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked caressing his brother's hair. "No, I just wanted to sleep beside you three," 

They were happy, slept with sweet smiles, and it was like they were the happiest family in this world but everything went wrong after that. After that night, every color in their happy castle was gone. It was all gone. 

// End of flashback //

"Hey," Jungwon tapped Heeseung because he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "You okay?" he asked. "Oh y-yeah, I'm fine, what were you guys saying again?" 

"We were wondering if now's the time to tell him, given the circumstances that we have right now," Sunoo told him before sipping his coffee.

"We will, I will,"  

"But when?" the younger three asked. "After the last game," 

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

"He told everyone not to help us yet he's helping us now?" Jay mumbled. "I don't trust him," He added as he sat on the couch. 

"Well, he did tell us not to trust anyone so," Sunghoon shrugged. "Can we sleep beside each other tonight?"

"You scared now?" Jay laughed and then later choked on the cookie he was eating. 

The three took turns in the bathroom to shower before going to bed, and as Sunghoon wanted, they moved their beds right next to each other. Seeing that shadow from earlier still terrified them, and none of them could sleep.

"Do you ever regret coming here?" Sunghoon asked them as they stared at the ceiling. "Not really, it's scary but at least I have you two. For sure Jay doesn't regret it, he met the love o-" Jake wasn't able to finish what he was saying when the other spoke, "Shut up," 

"Can I ask some-" 

"No," the two responded that's why Jay threw a pillow at them. "Why did you call him Seungie?" he still asked despite what the other two said. 

 "Right, why did I? It just randomly slipped out of my mouth,"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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