C - 002

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[The young masters]

Despite the darkness, everything looks fine cause everything is well organized and there are lots of stunning artworks hanging on the wall.

Jake stopped walking when he saw a specific painting. "Why does it feel like I've seen this somewhere?" Jake thought to himself.

"Hey, come here," the old man called for Jake so he ran towards them.

They're walking on a long dark narrow corridor and someone went up to them and gave them a warning "Why are you here? You should leave now, this place isn't what you think it is. This is hell, you've gone to the wrong place," the woman told them.

"Nah, don't believe her, she's sick and her brain is not working well," the old man stated. "She doesn't look like she's sick though," Jake whispered to himself.

Jake looked back to see where the woman is and she's lying down on the floor with blood coming out from her mouth.

"Look, she's dead" Jake whispered to Jay. "Don't be too distracted, if you do, you might get lost, and if you do you won't be able to get out of here," the old man spoke once again.

"Help me!" The man tied on a chair in the room they passed by shouted for help. "You'll end up being like those people who are desperate to get out of here sooner or later.." the old man whispered.

"Hmm? Did you say anything?" Sunghoon asked. "Oh, that was nothing. There's nothing much to see here. Except for the paintings that the young masters have made, their pets, and their collection of gemstones,"

"Young masters?" Sunghoon asked. "Just like in every palace there are people who rule the place. Here, we have four masters, ever since their father got killed they had to take over the palace,"

"The oldest is the main protector of this place and he is the leader, he solves the problems that we encounter in this place and he's good with knives. Here we call him the king,"

"The third child, the 2nd prince is the sassiest, he doesn't like anyone to touch him except for his brothers. You'll know it's him when he looks at you from head to toe and when it looks like he's judging your whole existence. But despite the sassiness, he's good with his words, whenever there's a battle going on he's the one who's in charge with arranging the soldiers in this place,"

"The fourth child, the 3rd prince is the one who makes the rules, don't break the rules that he made, and if you will break it you better not be caught or else you'll be doomed, his looks are very different from his personality. He has this adorable and charming face but his personality isn't as lovely as his face,"

"Finally, the youngest of them all, the 4th prince just like in every family, the youngest is the trouble maker. But don't mess with him, he's good at almost everything, he's good at handling knives, guns, and even with archery,"

"The king, 2nd prince, 3rd prince, and 4th prince are always with each other and together they rule Palacio de lo unknown" 


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