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[9 roses]

The boys have returned to their room and are waiting for their clothing to arrive.

"Jungwon was there earlier in the game," Jay murmured.

"How? I thought the masters aren't allowed to play?" Sunghoon asked.

"I'm not sure; he came to help me,"

"And why wo-" Jake didn't complete his question, instead giving Sunghoon a goofy smile.

"Why are your expressions like that?" Jay asked his friends, who only giggled and left Jay puzzled.

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

The 3 boys finished changing into their clothes and they all look so gorgeous.

The room is packed with people, and it appears to be like they are guests at a royal ball. All of the participants began dancing with their partners as a slow, romantic song began to play.

Someone is sobbing as they fear they won't survive and see their families again. Someone dancing with the love of their life as if it is their last time together. Jake dancing with Sunghoon.

Jay was eating popcorn when someone approached him. Everyone is wearing a mask, so he has no idea who it is.

He thought it would be rude to say no, so he nodded. "He looks familiar, but I can't seem to remember who he is; nothing bad will happen if I dance with him, right?" he thought.

(Press the youtube link on the top ↑↑↑)

When the song "tahanan" came on, Jay's partner began humming. (tahanan translates as "home")

"J-jungwon?" he stuttered, causing Jungwon to chuckle.

"Why are you stuttering?"

They were both dancing slowly when Jungwon stopped. He walked towards the table and took something.

9 roses. He gave the roses to Jay, who is puzzled. "What's this for?"

"A congratulatory gift for making it through the games; everyone gets one,"

"See?" Jungwon said, pointing to everyone who was holding a bouquet.


[Hi koochiessss!! This is the first update for this monthh and it's a vvvvv short update hsdjfhd I was planning to update every week but I'm getting busy cause school's starting on monday. I hope y'all like the story ! Thank you super duper ultra mega much for reading <3 ]

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