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[3rd & 4th prince]

Someone with a knife ran in their direction.

The man muttered, "Die," and tossed the dagger at the boys. Fortunately, the fourth prince caught it and threw it to the attacker. 

Everyone started fighting and throwing objects. Masked men started coming and they all went towards the prince to help but some of them got hurt.

Ni-ki was so focused on fighting with others that he didn't notice when the three boys were taken.

Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon were bought in a perfectly dark and quiet room. They don't know whether they should fight and escape or not.

"No, remember what Yong said? He'll come for us," Jake told them.

"Oh poor you, waiting for someone who's not coming," The guys who took them laughed.

Someone yelled from outside, "JAKE! SUNGHOON! JAY!"

"N-" They were about to yell when the bad guys pointed a knife into their throat.

"Speak and you'll die,"

"Sir, Master Lee wants you to know that you shouldn't waste your time looking for them because they're useless,"

They overheard a conversation nearby.

"That voice... It's Yong's voice...,"
"No, I must be mistaken. He said they'll protect us...,"
"He lied...,"

"See? You're useless so they won't come and save you,"

"I thought Master Lee's kind... But I guess he's not," Jay whispered to himself.

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

They are still tied to the chair as night falls, and the men who captured them are sound asleep.

Jay is trying to sleep while Sunghoon is gazing at the wall and Jake is staring at the door in the hopes that someone would arrive and save them.

"There's someone" Jake whispered when he saw the door knob move.

It was the 3rd and 4th prince.

"Shh," Ni-ki put his index finger next to his lips. The two princes quickly untied them and helped them get out of the room.

They were running through the hallways when Jake suddenly stopped.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Ni-ki asked.

"Nothing, but why are you helping us?"

"What kind of question is that? We're helping you b-," The 4th prince wasn't able to finish his sentence when Jungwon spoke.

"We need to go,"

They were about to enter the room but someone threw a knife at Jay and he got hit on his arms.

"Shit," Jungwon pulled out the knife making Jay scream.


The third prince responded, "Are you an idiot? Of course to hurl it back at them. They should feel the pain too," and they all went inside.

"Put pressure on his wound so the bleeding will stop, and I'll go and gather things we can use," Sunghoon instructed Jake.

Ni-ki approached them while carrying a bucket of water. "Let's apply antibiotic and cover it once we clean his wounds," the youngest spoke.


[Hiyii !! It's been uhm... 2 months since I updated this story. I kinda got lost with the story and didn't know how to continue it but fortunately, my imaginations worked again :)) Good luck on your studies and work everyone ! Always stay safe ♡]

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