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[1st Prince] 

4 days passed since the incident, and luckily, Jay's injuries are getting better.

The third and fourth princes are the ones who bring them meals every day cause they haven't seen Yong since the festival and are unable to leave cos of Jay.

|| Flashback ||

"We'll bring you food everyday, but please don't tell anyone that you're in touch with us. Especially the other masters and Yong," Jungwon mumbled while treating Jay's wound.


"Everyone has been warned not to help you or else Master Lee will get them killed," The youngest spoke.

|| End of flashback ||

Sunghoon questioned, "Why aren't they here yet? It's already 12:00,"

"They're probably still getting our food," Jake answered.

Someone knocked on the door and they expected it to be the princes, but just like what they say, 'Expect the unexpected,'


It was Yong, who was carrying a garment suit bag.

"Someone will come and bring you lunch; wear this as well; the second game for the festival starts in 3 hours," he spoke with a straight face.

"But how about Jay? He's still hurt,"

"Whether hurt or not, old or young, everyone must play; those are the rules, and you must follow them whether you like it or not," Yong answered and left.

"So that's why Jungwon and Ni-ki didn't show up... They were busy preparing the next game for the festival," Jake mumbled.

- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

"Everyone, good afternoon. Let's get this game started. There will be three boxes in front of you, each containing items to help you defeat these creatures," The host pointed to the horribly wild-looking creatures.

"What the fuck are those?" Jay swore.

"You may now pick a box," Yong spoke once again.

Jay got a riffle, Jake received a katana, and Sunghoon received an arrow and bow.


- .. -- . ... -.- .. .--.

"It's him, the way he holds the weapon, the way he fights... We're right, the 1st prince is alive and well, and he's here," Master Lee mumbled.

"When are we going to tell him about his true identity?" Sunoo pondered.

"If all goes according to plan, then after the festival... Oh, and right... Where have you two been late at night?" Master Lee asked the third and fourth princes.

"Training," Jungwon replied quickly.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Master Lee chuckled. "Unless you did something wrong, did you?" Heeseung's expression changed.

"Oh come on, we're not going to do anything horrible," Ni-ki stated.


[Omg hsjdhsf did I just update two times in a week? I'm proud of myself <33 Are y'all enjoying reading this book? I hope y'all are :)) Always eat on time and drink lots of water ! Thank you so much for reading ^^]

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