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Emil walked side by side with his Alpha, Leon, his arm wrapped firmly around Emil's shoulders, Peter and Erland running by their side. "Don't go far!" Emil yelled when Peter spotted his friend, a young brown haired girl who looked angry at the world, and dragged his little brother after him towards her.

Emil sighed when they were out of earshot. "Why did we agree to babysit them?" Emil questioned.

"Because, it's Tino and Berwald's anniversary and it was the right thing to do. Besides, don't lie to yourself, you love them. They're adorable." Leon shot back with a smile.

Emil rolled his eyes, but didn't disagree. Leon laughed and tightened his grip on Emil's shoulders, yanking him to his side. Emil jerked, practically falling into him. "Stop! You're going to wake him up!" Emil hissed, motioning to the tiny, two month old baby nestled in his arms.

"Sorry," Leon whispered into his ear, "is this better?" Emil shoved his elbow into his side.

"Tsundere," Leon accused, moving to lightly run his finger down the raven haired boy's cheek.

The baby opened his eyes, blinking confusedly. "Now you've done it," Emil glared at him as his baby started to whimper.

"Nah, he's just, like, happy to see us," Leon said, brushing the red blanket out of his face. Emil raised an eyebrow as their son gave them a warm smile and an almost giggle.

"See, told you." Leon smiled proudly at his kid and mate. Emil gave him a look, then returned his gaze to the boys and their friend, who were now swinging and laughing.

The young couple made their way over to a park bench. Sitting down, Leon kept his eyes on the children at play, while the Omega rocked his child and sang quietly. Other couples looked at them in disgust. They were so young, 16 and 17 to be exact, and they were already starting a family.

Nobody thought that they would mate for life, much less have a child. They were too young to know about forever. But nobody knew them.

Nobody took the chance to really get to know them. To see Leon's straight As. To know how hard Emil was working to become an Ornithologist and that his brother Lukas or his cousin Berwald (and their respective mates) would watch Alexander when they couldn't.

And nobody knew how happy they really were to be together. Leon glanced back towards the playground one more time before settling his gaze on his mate and son.

He wrapped an arm around Emil's waist and the Omega laid his head on Leon's shoulder, closing his eyes and smiling, he let the breeze wash all those hateful glares away.

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