Spamano pt. 2

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Lovino laid in bed, waiting for his mate to come back in. He absentmindedly rubbed his hand over his stomach. He could've sworn that he felt his son moving around in there after the incident. It was almost as if he had sensed something was wrong.

He cracked a small smile.

My sweet boy, worried about us already.

Lovino hoped that his baby knew that they were all safe, including himself. The door to their bedroom opened slowly, as if Antonio was making sure that Lovino wasn't sleeping.

"I'm not asleep." Lovino rolled and sat up against the headboard. Antonio smiled gently at him. "Sorry." "How is she?" Antonio gently sat down in bed, pulling off his shirt and getting under the covers.

"She's okay. A little shaken up. I wouldn't be surprised if she wakes us up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. But more importantly, how are you two? You were the ones who were attacked." Guilt consumed him.

"I'm sorry. I seriously should have been paying attention." Antonio looked at him, annoyed.

"And for the last time, it's not your fault. It's his. Creepy Alphas who are trying to steal mates shouldn't be lurking around parks. With children. I probably would have challenged him even if he hadn't come after you." Lovino rolled his eyes. "I doubt that."

Antonio shrugged. He placed a hand over Lovino's own that was now resting on his stomach, having come to a stop. "And how is he?" Lovino gave him a grim smile. "He's okay I think."

Antonio frowned. "You think?"

It was Lovino's turn to shrug. "Hard to be sure, with him in there and, you know, us out here," Lovino's hand ghosted over his stomach.

The panicked look that flashed in Antonio's eyes quickly made Lovino backtrack.

"But, I'm sure that if something was wrong, I would know. I mean, he is practically part of me for now." The sunshine smile (that made Lovino fall deeper in love with Antonio everytime it crossed his face) was back.

"I'll get an appointment tomorrow, just to make sure." Antonio nodded inquisitively. He wrapped an arm around Lovino's shoulders. "I love you. Both of you. All of you. You know that, right?"

Lovino rolled his eyes. "No shit. You wouldn't have mated me otherwise."

Antonio laughed softly. After a moment of silence, he said, "You scared me, cielo. When I saw him standing over you..." he trailed off, tightening his grip slightly.

Lovino placed a hand on his mate's arm and squeezed. They laid there like that for a minute before an idea crossed Lovino's mind. "Hey. I got something from my appointment last week, I just forgot to show you."

He wiggled out of his Alpha's grip and rummaged around in the bedside table. Antonio propped himself up on his elbow

and watched him curiously as he pulled out a small monitor with a stick attached to it and held it, along with a small bottle of some jelly-like substance. Lovino pulled his shirt up over his stomach, revealing the small bump that had started growing there. Taking a bit of jelly, he spread it across his stomach, switched on the machine and started to move the stick across it.
Lovino spoke while he worked.

"We never got to do this with Rosa and it occurred to me to ask last appointment after Felix mentioned something about it in the lobby the other day." Lovino froze, finally finding what he was looking for. A rare, genuine smile crossed his face.

"Ready?" Antonio stared at him, still confused. Lovino ran his thumb along the side of the monitor and a slow, steady noise filled the room.

Ba bump. Ba bump. Ba bump.

Antonio's breath caught in his throat as he realized what it was. "Is that...." Lovino smiled at him and Antonio slowly rewrapped his arm around his shoulder.

Lovino nodded. "Looks like he's just fine."

They sat for a moment, just listening to their baby's heartbeat.

"This isn't getting you out of making an appointment."

"Ugh, why do you always have to ruin the moment?"

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