PruAus pt. 3

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Roderich leaned over the toilet, gagging. His stomach was empty, he had nothing left. His body didn't seem to mind. He didn't even jump when a comforting hand rubbed his back.

"You sure you're going to be ok?" Roderich looked up at his Alpha, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, I'll be alright. Go jump out of a plane or do whatever it is you do."
"I'm a Paratrooper, babe."
"Yeah. That."

Gilbert wiped Roderich's sweaty bangs to the side.

"You sure?" Gilbert gave him a sympathetic smile.

He worked at an army base a few blocks away and he- wow, how had Roderich not realized how good Gilbert looked before now? Roderich thought Gilbert always looked good, but in his uniform he looked his best. Heavy boots covered his feet leading up to camo pants that were held up by a brown belt. While that was attractive enough, Gilbert's beige shirt always seemed one size too small, fitting perfectly around his arms, showing every single one of his many muscles. Roderich wished the shirt was a size smaller, so he could see Gilbert's abs, the man looked like he was sculpted by a god.

Roderich felt heat shoot to his lower body. Oh hell no. They were SO not doing this now.
Damn pregnancy hormones.

"hmm?" Roderich's eyes snapped back up to his face. Gilbert smiled mischievously.

"Are you sure there's nothing that I can do for you?" Roderich blushed deeply. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Gilbert laughed.

"Seriously Roddy, if there's anything that I can do, call me and I'll be home in 5 minutes." Roderich smiled and nodded appreciatively. "I love you," he said, kissing Roderich softly on the cheek.

"Don't give your mother too much trouble," Gilbert said sternly towards Rodrich's stomach.

"I think it's a little late for that," he sighed, "8 weeks in and this baby already wants out." "Aww, she just wants to see us." Roderich looked up at Gilbert, an eyebrow raised, "who said the baby was a girl?" "A guy can dream can't he?" Roderich smiled. "You'd spoil her rotten." "Of course. Daddy's princess. I like the sound of it."

Roderich put on a fake look of hurt. "Are you saying you'll love the baby any less if it's a boy?" Gilbert looked offended. "Of course not. It could be purple and I'd still love it." Roderich wrinkled his nose. "I don't think-"

Roderich abruptly stopped. "Roddy?" Gilbert swooped down in time to swipe his hair back as his mate dry heaved again. "Ugghhh, kill me now."

Gilbert smiled gently and pushed his fingers through his mate's hair lovingly, "nah, I think I'll keep you around, I like you." Roderich laid his head on the toilet seat and closed his eyes, "selfish."

"I'll be back at 4. Seriously, if things get bad, call." Roderich nodded slowly as the bathroom door closed behind his Alpha, leaving him alone in the small room with the child that he might potentially rip out before his Alpha got back.

*8 hours later*

"I'm home!" Gilbert announced, dropping his bag by the door and toeing off his boots. The house was silent.



Gilbert's defenses went up.

Walking slowly through his house, he instinctively went to the bathroom first. Edging the door open, Gilbert breathed a sigh of relief.

Roderich was asleep on the floor of the bathroom, curled up under a towel. With a gentle smile, Gilbert walked over to his mate. "Roderich. Süsser. It's time to get up."

Roderich groaned and rolled over to glare at his Alpha. Gilbert laughed, "Alright sleepyhead. Do you at least feel better?"

Roderich didn't. He had eaten a few crackers for lunch and threw them back up shortly after.

He had nothing left in his stomach to give. Nothing except the baby, which he was seriously considering handing over.

With another groan, Gilbert's half smirk fell into a sympathetic smile. "Alright Brille, let's get you into bed. It'll be more comfortable."

As carefully as he could manage, Gilbert put one arm under his Omega's knees and one under his back and lifted. Holding him bridal style, Gilbert walked Roderich back into their bedroom, slowly laying him down on his side.

Almost instantly, Roderich curled into a ball and sniffled. Gilbert pulled the trash can from the bathroom to Roderich's side of the bed and crawled in after him slowly, gently laying an arm over his mate, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his neck sweetly and releasing a few puffs of comforting pheromones.

Roderich smiled.

Maybe there were some pros to this pregnancy after all.

Well folks, that's all I have for now. I could've sworn I had some more somewhere, and if I find them I'll post them, but this is all I have on my old GoogleDocs. I hope at least a few people enjoyed them, and maybe I'll see you again soon.    🇺🇸🇬🇧   🇷🇺🇨🇳   🇩🇰🇳🇴   🇭🇰🇮🇸 🇱🇹🇵🇱 🇪🇸🇮🇹

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