UsUk pt. 2

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"Alfred!" Arthur stood behind his mate with wide eyes, watching as Alfred growled and bared his teeth at the five Alphas in front of him. They snarled back, locked in a deadly glare off. Arthur shivered. How had he gotten himself into this?

*15 minutes before*

Arthur sighed, smiling down at the small picture in his hand. 13 weeks in and he could already see the start of the most beautiful baby that had ever existed. He already loved them.

"Oofp." Arthur slammed into something. Hard. Pain shot through his arm as he hit the ground.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" A voice snapped above him. Arthur froze, terrified.

He could smell it. It was overwhelming. There were Alphas. A lot of them. And they didn't smell friendly. "So sorry about that," Arthur slowly pulled himself up into a standing position, trying to get away from the gang as fast as possible.

"Oh no. You think you'll get away that easily?! Look what you did!" Arthur carefully looked up to see five Alphas staring down at him, all at least 4 inches taller. The one closest to him had a stain on his shirt, caused when Arthur had bumped into him and he fell into one of his 'friend's' drinks.

"I- I'm so sorry." Arthur mentally shamed himself for his fear. Never before had he bowed down so easily to a few asshole Alphas before. But then again, he had never held a life inside him before either, so he felt that his wariness was justified.

"You sure as hell better be sorry," the stain shirted Alpha looked him up and down, a slow wicked smile growing on his lips. "What are you going to do to make up for it?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what this guy was getting at. His eyes widened.

"I'm mated... you- you can't." The Alpha's eyes narrowed and he stepped forward. "The hell I can't."

I'm going to die.

"P.... please, you don't understand."

They're going to kill me.

"I- I'm-"

I don't have a chance.

A hand closed around his throat. "We're going to have some fun."


Arthur hit the ground, shooting pain flying through his wrist once more. "Don't you dare lay a fucking hand on him!"



"Alfred.... please. Let's just go."

Alfred turned and snarled at him. Arthur froze. He had never seen his mate look so angry. He had gone feral, had let the Alpha in him take over completely. All the alpha side of him knew was that he had just caught a group of strange, unknown alphas about to attack his omega. His pregnant omega. These five were going to die.

Luckily, one of the strange Alphas seemed to sense what was about to happen.

"Samael, let's just go. He's not worth it."

Samael snapped at his friend. "Are you kidding?! That bitc-"

He didn't get the whole word out. Alfred tackled him, punches flying at his face over and over.

Samael's friends jumped into action, yanking and pulling at Alfred, trying to unlodge him.

Arthur shook off his shock. "Alfred! Get off!"

His Omega's commanding voice startled him long enough for Samael's friends to pull him out from under the pissed off Alpha. They took off down the alleyway. Alfred looked up at his mate, the anger remaining

"What the hell was that?! Why did you stop me?" "You were going to kill him!" "It would have been worth it!" Alfred took a threatening step towards him.

Arthur pinned his ears to the top of his head. "Hey! I'm not the enemy here so stop treating me like I am!"

Alfred froze, standing stock still for a second before guilt filled his eyes. "I... I'm sorry, you're right." Arthur gave him a small smile and started to step towards his Alpha to wrap him in a hug, but as soon as he moved his arm he cried out. Alfred shot to his side. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just an injury from the fall. Probably sprained my wrist." Alfred took Arthur's arm gently into his hand, trying to ignore the winch he received. "We should get you to the doctor, just to be sure." "Yeah." They took a few steps together before Arthur felt a crunch under his foot. He froze and glanced down, tears filling his eyes.

"Arthur?" He leaned down and gently picked up the crumbled picture of his ultrasound. Alfred's eyes widened. "Crap Artie, I didn't even ask......" Alfred unconsciously moved a hand to sit lightly on Arthur's stomach.  "are they ok?" Arthur nodded slightly.

"I think so," he whispered. Suddenly,  a thought hit him. "Alfred... how did you know I was in trouble? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Alfred gave him a puzzled look. "I heard your emergency call." The emergency call. One that an Alpha received from their Omega when they were in danger. Fatal Danger. Now, Arthur knew that he had been in trouble, but never did it cross his mind that he would die, which was kind of required for an emergency call.

"No. I didn't send it."

Alfred gave him a look. "Arthur, I think I know what your call sounds like. It's unique and rips something out of you. It was crazy."

"Alfred, I'm telling you. I knew they were going to do something...... bad. But never once did I think that they would kill me."

They sat in silence for a minute, thinking. Then, Alfred looked down. "Maybe, it wasn't you."

Arthur looked at him like he was dumb.

"No seriously, hear me out! Maybe it wasn't you. Maybe it was-," Alfred nodded down to the picture in Arthur's hand.

"What? The baby? Are you crazy? They're 13 weeks old, they don't even have a fully developed brain yet."

"Well, maybe they don't need a whole brain. Hey! It's sending off some signals, right? maybe that's all it needs! What other option is there?"

Arthur hesitated a moment before nodding slowly. "Yeah maybe. And don't call our baby an it."

Alfred smiled, wrapping an arm around his mate's waist. "Yes sir. Now come on... doctor."

————————————————————————I'm sensing a weird pattern in my old writing. Idk why everyone is being attacked, I think I had a thing for fluffy alphas protecting their omegas.

I have daddy issues ❤️❤️❤️

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