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WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault

Feliks walked down the road, satisfied. It had taken him weeks to find this particular type of paluszki. He was almost home when he heard something.

He froze, his white ears twitching atop his head. Footsteps. Fast, coming towards him. Feliks resumed walking, but faster this time. He was so close to the apartment, so close. But, right before he reached the door, the smell overtook him.

Alphas. Two of them. Feliks lunged at the door, but it was too late. The Alpha's hand closed around his arm, yanking him into the alleyway.

"Well would you look at what we have here." A sicking voice hissed. Feliks tried to gather his bearings and stand, but someone grabbed his hair and threw him back down. He tasted blood.

"A little Omega. Are you lost little Omega?" the other asked.

"N- No." Feliks whispered, "This is my building." Feliks didn't even register the fact that his paluszki had been lost in the struggle.

When he was finally able to stand without being pushed back down, he quietly said, "I'm just going to go in now."

The two Alphas, whom Feliks could see clearly now, wore an expression of amusement. It disgusted him. "Oh come on now," the red haired Alpha said, starting to circle him. "Stay for a while."

"I- I really need to get back inside. Please." By the time Feliks had reached please, his voice was barely above a whisper. That seemed to amuse the Alphas even more.

"Did you hear that Brady? He's begging now. How adorable." The Alpha, Brady, grabbed Feliks' shirt and shoved him against the side of the apartment building.

"No, I think you should stay here." Feliks kicked the Alpha in the crotch and he doubled over. Unluckily for Feliks though, the blonde Alpha was right behind the first. He stepped forward and socked him in the jaw, then slammed him into the wall.

Brady stood, taking the blonde Alpha's spot. The amusement was gone, anger taking its place. "How dare you?! How dare you hit an Alpha?! You're an Omega! I think it's time you learn your place!"

But, before Brady could collide their lips together roughly, Feliks was ripped from his grip. Feliks hit the ground before everything went black.

*five minutes earlier*

Tolys sighed loudly. It had been thirty minutes since Feliks had texted him. Tolys smiled thinking about his mate.

Feliks could be a real handful sometimes, but he had been so excited about finding his paluszki that Tolys could practically sense it.

His smile only lasted for a second before quickly turning into a frown. Where was he? It only took around 15 minutes to get home from the store, 20 if you were being lazy.

That's when he smelt it.

He started to relax when he caught a whiff of his mate, until he noticed the distress in his scent. Tolys sat up straight, his ears perked up.

The scent was getting closer, more distressed and it was coming fast. Feliks was running.

Tolys stood when he caught the distinct scent of an Alpha. No, two. A growl started in his throat as a wave of protectiveness washed over him.

He started towards the door, walking down the stairs, trying to keep a hold of himself. It wasn't until he hit the third flight that he felt it. Feliks' distress had turned into pure fear and the Alpha in him ripped loose.

Tolys bolted down the stairs and out the door, freezing when he noticed Feliks struggling against a red headed Alpha who was holding him against the brick wall of the apartment building.

A bruise was starting to form on the side of his jaw and his lip was busted open and bleeding. Tolys' ears pinned to the top of his head, rage overwhelming him.

Who did these Alphas think they were?! Couldn't they smell Tolys' scent all over the horror stricken Omega? Of course they could, and that made Tolys all the angrier.

Tolys wasn't a strong Alpha, probably the weakest in the apartment building, but that didn't mean that he was helpless, besides everyone knew that an Alpha's strength almost doubled due to pure adrenaline when someone messed with their Omega.

With a terrifying snarl, Tolys lunged.

Feliks regained consciousness seconds later to the sound of fighting. His eyes shot open and he rolled out of the way just in time to avoid getting hit by the body of the blonde Alpha.

What was happening? Feliks' eyes widened.


He looked up just in time to watch Tolys deliver a final blow to the Alpha known as Brady. Brady shot out of the alley, followed quickly by the second Alpha. Tolys stood there, breathing hard.

Feliks could smell the fury and possessiveness flowing through the air, surrounding them and sure to scare off anyone else in the area.

"Tolys." Tolys turned, surprised. His ears stood up again and his expression softened, just barely, when he noticed Feliks looking at him.

He walked over and, kneeling beside him, bumped Feliks' cheek with his nose, "Are you alright?".

Feliks gave him a meek smile and brought his hand up to brush a little blood off of Tolys' face. "Come on," Feliks whispered, "let's go inside."

Tolys nodded, nuzzling the same cheek before standing and helping Feliks up. Tolys listened intently for the Alphas while they walked back around to the door.

As they entered the apartment and Tolys' grip on Feliks' hand softened slightly, Feliks silently thanked the universe that his heat was still another three weeks away, because if the Alphas had decided to attack him just two weeks later, they wouldn't have walked out of that alleyway, but at the same time, he thanked the world for Tolys. If it hadn't been for him, who knows what would have happened.

Feliks snuggled closer to Tolys as they entered the elevator, Tolys happily accepting him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Feliks smiled contently as the elevator doors slowly closed in front of them.

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