Rochu pt. 2

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"What about Anastasia?"

"We're not naming our baby after a murdered aristocrat. That's just setting her up for bad luck."

Yao smiled, setting a plate of pineapple tarts on the coffee table and coming to sit next to his alpha.

They had talked for a while about whether they wanted to know the gender of their baby, finally deciding yes, they did (due to the fact that Ivan was not a very patient person).

At 24 weeks (and 3 days), they had found out that they would be having a girl. Ivan was ecstatic and had immediately gone out and bought no less than 4 books dedicated solely to baby names. He had already gone through 2.

Yao laid his head on Ivan's shoulder.

"How about Ai?"
"Pretty, but too common. I want it to be something unique."

Ivan sighed and shrugged, shaking Yao from his position.

"You're too picky."

Yao huffed, "you know, we don't have to choose a name today. We still have 3 more months."

"You never know Yao- Yao. She could come early."

Yao groaned. "I hope not. The nursery isn't coming along as fast as I'd hoped."

As a matter of fact, it was barely coming along at all.

Ivan had insisted on a winter themed nursery, and, over the past 2 months, had meticulously painted the walls. It was beautiful, a light blue fading into white snow at the bottom and light gray clouds at the top. Tiny snowflakes littered over the blue sky. A bunny sat, watching a majestic looking bear cross the snow covered field. A single, large sunflower was painted right where the head of the bassinet would be. As beautiful as it was, that was all they had. A painted room and a white bassinet.

"We'll get to it. Like you said, we have 3 more months."

Yao rolled his eyes. "Well we better get to it quickly."

Ivan smiled and allowed Yao to snuggle into him once more.

Ivan popped a tart into his mouth and they sat in silence for a while before,

"How about Catherine Zetian?"

"We're not giving our daughter two names."

Ivan laughed "No, Catherine as her first and Zetian as her middle. Catherine is pretty common, but Zetian isn't, and they're both the names of powerful rulers."

Yao stared at the wall for so long that Ivan was beginning to open his mouth to apologize when Yao smiled.

"It looks like our daughter has a name."

Ivan beamed down at his omega and hugged him hard.

"Easy Ivan! Now that Catherine has a name, can we look at furniture?"

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