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"Swings papá! Swings!" Antonio and Lovino's three year old daughter, Rosa, yanked on her father's hand. Antonio laughed.

"Alright, alright mija. We'll go swing." Antonio flashed a quick smile back to his mate before being pulled over to the swings.

Lovino sighed, walking over to the nearest bench and promptly sitting down. He couldn't help but smile as his mate pushed his young daughter back and forth, her puffy pink and white dress flowing around her.

Lovino's smile quickly disappeared as he felt something start to run down his nose towards his upper lip. Bringing a hand up and dipping it into the liquid, he brought his hand away to see blood.

"Ugh, seriously?" He reached down into his bag to grab a tissue and hold it to his bleeding nose. He vaguely remembered his doctor telling him that pregnancy could cause nose bleeds the last time he went, although it had never happened before. "Isn't the second child supposed to be easier than the first?" He mumbled.

He was only 18 weeks in and he already wanted this child out.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the alert call, the sharp high pitched chirp Omegas make when a dangerous Alpha is in the area. Lovino didn't realize it until he noticed mothers getting up and snatching their children, the ones that had Alphas were crowding near them.

Lovino jumped up a second too late. A hand closed around his shoulder and whipped him around, throwing him to the ground. 'Protect the baby,' His maternal instincts screamed. He would die for the tiny life growing inside of him.

Lovino growled, baring his fangs and pushed his ears to the top of his head. It was no use. Lovino knew that he wasn't so much as intimidating him. Luckily, he knew someone who would.

"Get. Away. From. Him." Standing directly behind him was Antonio, and suddenly, the Alpha didn't seem so sure of himself. Lovino knew there was going to be a fight, it was inevitable, and he knew it wasn't going to be good. Stupid. He was so stupid. How could he not hear the alert go out? Who knew how badly Antonio was going to be beaten up after this, assuming that he won...

Antonio stepped in front of him. "Antonio..." "Stay back Lovino." "Nice piece of ass you have there," the Alpha snarled, smirking.

Antonio growled. The two Alphas sized each other up. Then, suddenly, "Back off." A third player entered the ring.

Lovino's eyes widened as someone else stepped in front of him, next to his mate. Leon. Their next door neighbor had stepped up and now, the dangerous Alpha didn't seem so dangerous anymore.

After staring each other down for what felt like an eternity, the Alpha backed off, mumbling. "Didn't want to bang a pregnant bitch anyway."

Antonio stepped forward, but Leon grabbed him. "Let him go." They glared at the Alpha's back until he was gone.

Antonio sighed and turned towards him. "Thank you. Really." Leon smiled, "you would do the same for me." They bumped fists and Leon turned to go find his mate and baby.

Antonio's gaze snapped towards Lovino, who was still sitting frozen on the ground. Antonio gently helped his Omega up, keeping a hand on his back and looking at him with deep concern, "are you alright mi amor?" Lovino looked into Antonio's eyes, letting an unwilling tear slide down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I should have been listening." "No, HE shouldn't have been lurking around a park." Antonio shifted his gaze downwards. "Is he okay?" Lovino put his hand on his stomach and forced a smile.

"Yeah. Yeah he's fine." Antonio smiled, looking deeply into his Omega's eyes. They stayed like that for a full 5 seconds before, "MAMA!"

Lovino's head snapped towards the commotion, finding Emil holding Rosa's hand. With a quick nod from Antonio, Emil released her and she ran towards her parents. "MAMA MAMA!!"

Rosa ran into Lovino's arms and he held her, shushing her gently. "It's alright baby. I'm alright."

Lovino looked over Rosa's shoulder and into his mate's eyes, smiling softly, "I'm alright."

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