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Ana's POV..

"Hey. So what did you want to tell me?" I asked Kennadee as we walked to our fifth period. "Uh. Nevermind. It wasn't that important." She says in a low hushed tone. "Are you sure?" I ask her again. "Yea. Don't worry about it." I nodded not really knowing what else to say. We keep walking to our fifth period, not really talking. And at that moment. I knew I had lost my best friend. It was a weird feeling actually. Feeling like you just lost the most funny most amazing best friend anyone could ever have. But I wasn't about to tell her that. Whatever happens. Happens. "Hey kennadee." I said sitting down in our seats. "Hmm." She said not looking up at me like she usually does. "Wanna do something with Drake and I later this week? Maybe Hunter too." I ask her. "Can Destiny come?" I was taken aback a little, since Destiny and I had just recently become friends again. "I'm not so sure." She gave me a look I couldn't quiet figure out what it meant. "But I mean. I guess. If she wants to come. She can." I say giving in. She quickly smiles and goes back to whatever she was looking at. She then asks to go to the restroom leaving me by myself. When she gets back she seems more alive I guess. She seems better than she was during lunch. She just smiles at me and continues to do whatever the teacher is talking about. "Do you think the book will be good?" She whispers to me. "Huh?" I ask straightening up a bit. "Do you think True Grit will be a good book? The book we'll start reading next week. Are you going to buy yours or use the schools?" She continues with the questions. "Uh. Sure. And why not." I say totally winging the answers. "You have no idea what the teacher has been saying have you?" She whispers with a laugh. "Not really." "Girls. Do I need to move you two?" The teacher says. I sink in my chair not really wanting the attention on me.


"So did kennadee ever talk to you about whatever she needed to talk to you about." Drake said as we walked to the bus, because Jantzen, his brother, hadn't come to school today. "No. She said it wasn't important. She's been acting a bit weird. Also I told her about us hanging out with Hunter later this week and she asked if Destiny could come." I said. "What did you say?" "Well I said why not. Because she is kinda starting to become our friend again. But I feel like.." I let out a sigh. "Never mind. Forget it." I said getting onto the the really hot bus. The inside of the bus was hot, even though some windows were down. "I think it's great you said she could come. It could bring you guys closer together as friends. And you'll be able to trust her like you used to back in middle school." He said reasoning once we sat in our seat. "Yea I guess. I just felt like for a minute. I might've lost my best friend since like forever." "I think Kennadee will always choose you over anyone. Because who wouldn't." She said slinging his arm over my shoulder. "Also. Maybe she didn't think that she needed to tell you because like she said, it wasn't important." "It looked like it was really bothering her though. You should've let me stay there and see what was wrong." I said punching him lightly in the arm. "I know. I know." He said putting his hands up in defense. "But we really needed to sort out what we were going to do. Like if you were going to come with me for spring break." I knew for a fact that my parents would let go with his family to their beach house in South Carolina, for our spring break. "That could've waited." "Well. What's done is done. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's nothing. She would've told you if it was something really huge." He said. "Yea. I guess you're right." "Anyway." He said extending the word out. "Wanna come over for dinner? We're having. Actually I forget what we're having. But I'm sure it's good enough to eat." He said laughing. "Yea sure. I'll come by." I said to him. "Alright I'll see you later." He said getting off at his bus stop. "Goodbye."


I dressed casual. He did say it was just at his house. I decided to walk there because I didn't feel like driving .2 seconds or Drake picking me up. It actually takes me like 5 minutes to walk there. I checked my Instagram and saw that Kennadee and Destiny were hanging out. I let out a sigh and kept scrolling until I finally arrived at drakes. I rung the door bell and Drakes mom answered the door. "Hello sweetie." She said letting me in. "Dinners just about ready. Drake's up in his room." I nodded and headed upstairs. I was about to knock on his door but I heard him talking. There was a little crack in the door. I checked to see who he was talking to but he was alone. "I don't know dude. I just." He let out a sigh. "I know I should tell her. But I'm afraid of what she'll say." He stopped talking for a moment before letting out another sigh. I stepped further in. "I'm just so in lo." The door creaked. I stopped, knowing he heard me. "I'll talk to you later bro." He said hanging up. He came over to where I was standing, "Hey." He said leaning on the door frame. I felt my cheeks heat up. "I'm sorry." I said not looking him in the eyes. "For what?" He asked, smiling. "My curiosity got the best of me." I admitted. He put a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "It's alright. It was nothing." He kissed the tip of my nose. I felt everything I did back when I was little. When liking a guy or even touching him meant you had cooties. Even though I was young, I always had this feeling for him that never seemed to go away throughout the years. It was weird, knowing that you liked your best friend at 7 years old. It was weird for me. I didn't know what 'like' or 'love' was. But I think that with Drake. I get a little taste of what love is. Of what it's like to to be loved and to be in love.

Edited 6/20/15

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