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Ana's POV..

I was ready to go back to school on Monday after three days of out of school suspension. As soon as I got into the school Evan, Dylan, and Hunter were waiting for me by the doors. They fill me in on the latest gossip. All the rumors going around about kennadee and I. As we walked, Evan and I hand in hand and Hunter and Dylan beside each of us, we got dirty looks. 'Slut' someone coughed while she was walking by me. I rolled my eyes and saw Kennadee standing there. By herself. I walked up to her and hugged her. She had tears running down her face. 'So you've heard.' She said. I nodded and let her sob onto my shoulder. 'I'm so sorry.' She said. 'It's okay kennadee.' I said. But please promise me it's the first and last time you do it.' She nodded and I told her not to listen to anyone. She wiped the tears away and started walking to class. I looked back and the three boys were giving me a weird look. I shrugged and Dylan and I walked to gym class. No one wanted to be my partner for the game we were playing. Dylan came up to me and said 'I'll be your partner.' Everyone gave him dirty looks but he just smiled back at them.

Usually after gym I walk with my friend Kait to math. But unfortunately she turned against me and I was left once again, alone. I don't know what the rumors are I just know that they think I'm a slut and whore and I don't even know what other names. I sat beside Evan and he smiled at me. Not the bright smile he always gave me, it was a weak one. 'What's wrong Evan.' I asked. 'Nothing.' 'Are you sure.' 'Y-yea.' He looked around and everyone was starring. 'Let's start the bellringer.' He whispered. Something was off about him. Evan didn't talk to me for the rest of the class. Which was weird, since we always got into trouble for talking. He walked me to my next class and just said bye. No Hug or anything. I was getting curious on what was going on with him. I couldn't stop thinking about what was wrong with him. Maybe now that I'm back, the rumors are getting even worse.


I saw kennadee standing alone in the lunch line and walked up to her. 'Hey.' I said smiling. She gave me a half smile and said hey right back. We started talking like we always did. Like nothing had every changed between us. I look around for Evan and see that he's already eating with other people instead of hunter Dylan and I. He's sitting beside a girl and she's all up on him. He didn't even try moving her away. Ouch. Hunter and Dylan come up to us and we start a new conversation.

'How come Evan's not sitting with us?' I ask. They look at each other and quickly look away. 'Guys?' 'uh. We don't know.' Hunter says quickly. I look at Dylan, hoping he will answer me. 'The rumors are getting to him.' Dylan says quickly. 'What exactly are the rumors guys.' I ask. 'Uh. Well. Apparently Liam said that you and him fucked. Then he also started the rumor about kennadee saying she fucked her best friends boyfriend, Evan.' Dylan says. 'Is that why they're calling us all these different names?' Kennadee asks. Hunter nods and we continue getting our lunch. I walk by Evan, looking at him, then walking past him, ignoring him. We go towards where we usually sit when we see destiny and her clique sitting there. Hunter just stands there. 'Well hello hot stuff' destiny says to him. Hunter rolls his eyes, 'What are you doing at our table?' He asks. 'Your table?' She scoffs. We nod and she laughs. 'Ever since this hoe left. Nothing is the same. So you and your little hoe bags can go find a new table.' She says. "Watch your fucking language Destiny. That is no way to talk to some who can beat your ass. Especially since she has kennadee with her. So back the fuck up.' Dylan says. "Listen here. You have no fucking right to talk to her like that. So maybe shut your fucking mouth or you will get it from both of us.' Kennadee says. I stayed quiet the entire time. 'If she thinks she's all that, and thinks that she can beat me up. Then lets go. At the park across the intermidiate school.' She continues. 'Guys. Lets go. We have nothing to do here.' I finally speak up. 'Whore.' Destiny says and all her friends laugh. We sit down and see evan walking towards us. I pretend that I don't see him and laugh with Dylan and Hunter. He sits beside me and tries to hold my hand under the table. I pull away and rest them on top of the table. I don't look at him or talk to him. After a couple minutes pass, David sits beside kennadee. 'Cuddy!' Everyone yells. He laughs and we start talking amongst ourselves. Evan has tried talking to me multiple times but i have ignored him. 'Ana' he says. Ignore. 'Ana' he says a bit louder. I still ignore him. 'Ana!' He yells. I look over at him and quietly say 'What.' He grabs my hand and pulls me towards a hallway, where no one is at. 'Look. I don't know what your problem is but you need to stop.' He says. 'My problem?' I cross my arms over my chest. 'Yes. Your problem.' "My problem is that you were already sitting with someone. Not just anyone. A girl. A girl that as rubbing up on you. And you didn't do anything about it. Do you ever stop and think about how I felt about it. No. Of course not, because all guys think of is what they want and not what their partner wants.' I walk away, him on my tail. "Ana. We have fifth together.' I ignore him and continue walking. I bump into drake and he also calls me a hoe. I shake it off and continue on my way. "Ana stop." He says taking ahold of my wrist. "Look. If you're not feeling it anymore than we hould brake up. If you're ashamed of me because of those dumb rumors then we should just leave each other. I know the rumors are getting to you. Now let go of me.' I say looking him in his eyes. I have never been good at keeping eye contact, so I quickly look away. 'Baby. They are getting to me, but I would never let you go. I'm not giving up that easy. I won't let you leave me like that. We belong together. We just need a plan on how we're going to stop these rumors. And I know exaclty who to talk to.' He says with a smirk.

A/N there was a lot of spelling errors but I fixed them

Edited 5/10/15

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