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Ana's POV..

I get on the bus and sit in a seat that I normally don't sit it, but there were only two empty seats left. I take my bookbag off and set it aside. Drake comes by and just stands there. 'That's my seat.' He says. I roll my eyes. 'I don't see your name on it.' He sighs and sits in the last empty seat. 'Can we switch spots?' He asks. Why is he still talking to me. 'No.' I put my headphone's on and try to ignore him. He starts throwing stuff at me and one goes down my shirt. 'That went down my shirt.' I glare at him. He laughs. 'How was your day?' He asks. He asks about another five times before I answer. 'Good.' I say and look back out the window. 'Mine was great. Thanks for asking.' 'Stop.' I laugh. Nope. Not giving in. He keeps bothering me. After a while of ignoring him, he starts texting me.

Drake: Hey !!!

Drake: Hello! Read

Drake: You read it!

Drake: What's up!!!!

Drake: Answer me!

Me: Yea? So?

Drake: Hey how's it going Read

Drake: Wow!!!!

Me: What?!

Drake: How's it going?

His bus stop is up ahead. So soon I'll be relieved from him.

Me: No.

Drake: What?😂 What did I do.

Me: Things

Drake: Um ok. Read

I don't text him back because by then he's already off the bus. And I kinda wanna cry. He was my best friend. But once he moved after eighth grade and came back, he became a real douche. He cannot just not talk to me for two weeks, then out of no where start talking to me again. For goodness sake he called me a slut not even a week ago. He turned on me when I needed him the most. Just as I was about to get off the bus my phone starts buzzing like crazy, indicating I was getting a phone call. I looked at the caller ID and it read Evan. I quickly ignored it. Seconds later I received another one from him. I decided to answer this time. 'What.' I sighed into the phone. 'Ana babe. Listen to me. Please. I'll meet you at your house in ten minutes.' I sighed again and agreed. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. I just don't think we're the perfect match anymore. Everyone is always telling us we're the perfect couple, but that was before school started. Now all he does is let girls flirt with him nonstop and not do anything about it.

Exactly ten minutes later Evan and I were on my door steps sitting in complete silence. He's playing with his hands while I'm playing with the hem of my t-shirt. I sigh then he sighs. 'Ana. I'm.. please. I'm sorry. I know. I should've told her something. But I just don't know what happened. I didn't mean that I was going to watch her cheer. I only agreed because I was already going to the game. With you. And I promise I would never do anything to hurt you.' He said. I didn't have anything to say. All I really wanted to do what go into my room and cry. 'But you have done this nonstop. You let girls flirt with you. You know how I don't like that.' I don't dare look at him, instead I look at the blue sky. 'I promise it's not always that way. Carrington. She was trying to hold my hands the other day. But I quickly pulled away. I promise Ana. I wouldn't dare hurt you.' 'But this is like the fifth time this has happened. And I don't like it one bit Evan. I just... I think we need a break for a while. I just feel like I'm not the only one you see anymore.' 'Ana no. You are. C'mon. Next week is our four months. We can let that go to waist.' He says, holding my hands in his. I look at our hands then up to him, looking straight into his eyes. 'I'm sorry Evan. But I think we should break up. At least for a little. So we both know for sure what we want. Because right now. I don't think you do.' I say wiping the tears that fell. 'Alright. Babe. If that's what you want. I'll be here, waiting for you as long as you need. I'll get you back, even if it's the last thing I do.' I get up and wipe the rest of my tears. 'Goodbye Evan.' I get into my house and slide down the doors, once it's shut, and cry. I stay there for a while until I feel sleepy. I drag myself to my room and hug the teddy bear he won me on our third date at the carnival. Before I know it, my tears are dried up and I'm waking up from my much needed nap. I look around my room and see a lot of pictures of Evan and I throughout the four months. We took a lot of selfies, to catch the memories. I quickly get up at start taking them down. I put them in a safe place and put them away. I sit back down on my bed and start crying again. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe we're actually through. It was much needed though. Before I know what I'm doing, I pick up my phone and dial a number I never realized I would be calling again. 'Hello?' He answers on the third ring. 'Could you... Could you maybe come over?' I say sniffling. 'Yea sure. Give me a minute. I'll be right over.' I nod even though he can't see me and I begin crying into my hands. A couple seconds later there's a knock on the door and I quickly get up to see him standing there. He looks concerned.

Edited 5/30/15

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