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Ana's POV..

He quickly pulls me into a hug and I hug him right back. After a while of just standing there we pull away. 'I'm sorry for calling, but I really needed someone.' He nods. 'Drake. I'm sorry.' 'No it's fine.' 'I don't think that you should be here. Won't Angel get mad at you. I mean if I was your girlfriend. I would.' He shrugs. 'You sounded sad. And it sounded like you needed me. She can get over it. Ana. What's wrong.' Just as the tears were going away they came right back. 'I broke up with Evan.' He quickly pulls me into another one of his hugs. 'I'm sorry.' He says. I cry into his shoulder until no more tears come. By the time I'm done, his shirt is stained with my tears and make up. Do you wanna talk about it?' He suggest. I shake my head. 'Alright. Well let's go get some ice cream, chocolate, junk food, and movies.' He said. We walked to his house and grabbed his car keys and car and went to the nearest Walmart. We went back to my house and sat in the living room. We got a bunch of sappy love movies a lot of junk food and Ice cream. During the kissing scenes I cried but Drake would just give me a hug and let me cry into his shoulder.

'Well it's getting late. I should get going.' He said. I nodded. 'Yea. It's almost nine. So you probably should.' He gave me one last hug and told me he would see me tomorrow. I shut the door and for the first time tonight. I felt happy. Not completely, but still, happy nonetheless. I went back to my room and it felt empty. All the pictures of Evan and I were not up. Mostly everything he got me was under my bed. The only thing that wasn't, was the giant teddy bear I always slept with. I sighed and crawled into bed. I hugged the bear and it smelled like Evan. He had bought me a bottle of his cologne so I could always smell him. I know. It's weird. But with all the hoodies I have of his, they loose their smell. I hug the bear tightly and fall asleep once again.

The next day I take a quickly shower. I grab a random shirt, some jeans and one of my favorite hoodies, that belongs to Evan, and spray it with his cologne. I put my hair up and don't even bother with make up. I walk out the door and to the bus stop. Surprisingly, Drake is standing there. 'This isn't your bus stop.' 'Well Goodmorning to you too. You look nice.' He lies. I laugh. 'Thanks for lying' We continue talking until the bus comes and we sit together. I put my headphones in and to my luck a love song comes one. I try not to cry but ultimately fail. Drake tells me that everything's going to be alright. But he doesn't understand. I really liked him. Even though it has only been four months. I think I was in love with him.

As we get off the bus I spot Evan. We keep eye contact for a split second before Drake notices and pulls me away. I wipe the tear that slipped and walk to class my class with him. 'I promise everything's going to be okay' He hugs me. 'Drake!' We hear someone yell and we snap towards the sound. 'What are you doing.' Angel says. Oh sheesh. 'Uh. Giving my best friend a hug?' He says and I almost laugh. 'I'm telling Evan.' I shrug not daring to let a tear spill by the sound of his name. 'Angel. Let's go.' Drake says grabbing a hold of her hand. 'I'll see you on the bus after school.' He says. I take a deep breath and try to make the best out of today.

During lunch time was the hardest. I see Evan sitting with Hunter and Dylan. They usually sit with us. They sit pretty close to us. Close enough to hear us talking. I barely touch my food. Hunter and Dylan get up and walk towards us. They walk straight past me handing me a note. I don't touch it until I know its clear that they aren't around anymore. 'Sorry. We heard what happened. I hope you're okay.

-Dylan and hunter'

I smile and look towards them. They are already looking at me and I give them a small smile. I look around and see Scott and Kennadee laughing and touching each other. I sigh and start playing with my food. David comes over and sits in front of me. 'Hey.' He says. 'Hey Cuddy.' I say not looking at him. He quickly notices and moves to sit beside me. 'What's wrong?' He slings an arm around me. I look up to see Evan looking at us. I shake me head. 'I know something's wrong. C'mon. Tell me.' 'Evan and I broke up.' After that all of a sudden everything that has happened comes back to me and I begin to sob. I lean into his shoulder and he rubs my back. That is, until he's yanked off of me. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' Evan says. I have never seen his face so red before. 'Trying to make Ana feel better. I don't know what the hell you did. But you don't deserve her.' 'And you do? Don't you recall what you did to her back in April in the eighth grade' He smirks. 'That's long ago. We've moved on from it.' While all of this is happening. I'm sobbing into Evans baseball sweatshirt from last year. 'Then why the hell are you hugging my girlfriend.' I snap up. 'No Evan. I'm not you're girlfriend. Not anymore. We discussed this already.' I wipe my tears. 'So now because we broke up you think you can suddenly be all over every guy you see. Like a whore.' He covers his mouth and I raise my hand to slap him. I leave it raised for a couple seconds before putting it down. 'Thanks Evan. Thanks for calling me a fucking whore!' I yell and walk away with David on my trail. 'Ana. Wait up. Don't listen to him.' I'm still crying, silently. 'How am I not supposed to listen to him. He called me a whore. A WHORE David. How the hell do you think that makes me feel. Really fucking great about myself. He thinks I'm flirting with every guy I see. It's not fair. I've been loyal to him. Flirting ISN'T being loyal. And that's what he did.' The sleeves of my sweatshirt are soaked. 'Ana. I'm sorry I ever let you go.' He says. 'How about after the game tomorrow. We go watch a movie.' He says. 'You could really use a night out.' I nod and he pulls me into a hug. This week has just been horrible.

Kennadees POV..

I'm really worried about Ana. She hasn't showed up to fifth period yet, and it's been almost twenty minutes since Evan and her had a fight. Suddenly the door opens and in she comes. Her eyes red and puffy. She sits down beside me and the teacher calls her up. 'I wasn't feel well.' She says. She walks past Evan, not even glancing at him. She sits back down and starts writing down something in her notebook. She passes it to me. 'What did I miss?' 'Are you okay?' She nods and I wrote down everything she missed in the fifteen minutes she was gone. After the teacher dismisses us she walks with me to my class. Usually scott walks with us too, but I don't see him anywhere. I suddenly feel a hand connect with mine. 'Hey Scott...' I look towards the guy and it's not Scott. It's Liam and he pushed Ana out of the way. 'Get off of me.' 'Listen to me first.' 'No get off of me!' I yell a little louder. He's pulled away from me. 'My girl said to let go of her.' Scott says. 'Since when is she you're girl?' Liam says. 'Since right now.' I'm so confused. 'Kennadee. Will you be my girlfriend.' I was so shocked that I couldn't form words. I nod and he pulls me into a hug and spins me around. 'Now. If you don't mind. Me and my girl have a class to attend.' Scott says pushing Liam out of the way and putting his arm around me. I still hadn't said anything. I was so shocked.

A/N triple update ! WHAT! IM so sorry I haven't been able to update. It's just throughout the week it's the hardest for me. But on the weekends I'm usually always free.

Edited 5/30/15

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