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kennadees POV..

'Hey scotty.' I say walking up to him. 'Hey kennadee. What's up?' 'Nothing really. I'm just glad it's Wednesday.' The rumors have finally died down. 'Yea me too. You know. We should go to the game this Friday.' 'I cheer until half time but i'll find you and we can hang out afterwards.' 'Yea sounds like a plan.' I was trying to act cool on the outside, but on the inside i was freaking out. 'well i have to go. I'll see you at lunch.' I nod and hug my books closer to me. I walk to my next class and someone slaps my butt. I ignore it and then someone else slaps it. I turn around to see a group of guys laughing. 'Come here baby. i'll pay you.' I ignore them and keep walking. 'Awe. Why so sad.' Another says. 'Guys drop it.' A blonde haired boy says walking up to them. They all stop laughing and start walking away. 'Thanks.' I mutter. 'Anytime' he says and walks away. I have no idea who that dude was. But he's been doing stuff like that since Monday afternoon.

'Hey girl hey!!!!' I say walking up to Ana. 'Hey.' she looks around and spots the kid that helped me. 'Luke.' She waves for him to come over. 'Thank you so much for helping kennadee and I. We really appreciate it, but now I have a problem. Well not me, but with Evan.' He nods and looks concerned. 'He's. Uh. Well two days ago he got beat up. He won't tell me by who. but could you keep an eye out on him. Please.' He nods. 'Yea sure. It wont cost you anything this time.' Cost? 'What?' I say. 'Well I usually get paid for what I do.' He informs us. 'What did Evan have to do.' Ana asks. 'He just has to do my math homework for a month. I'll have Evans little problem over by the end of the week.' Well what the heck was that about. He walks away, he seems so mysterious. 'So. Have you talked to Liam?' I thought about. I actually haven't seen him since I got back. 'No. I haven't. He's not even in any of the classes we have.' 'Oh. Well. What about scott?' I don't really know what is going on with Scott and I, but I hope we do become something. 'Nothing really. We've just been talking and we're supposed to hang out at the game on friday.' 'Talking about me ladies?' Scott asks walking up to me and putting his arm around me. 'Nahh.' Ana says. She laughs and Evan comes up along with hunter and dylan. 'You're looking better.' She says cupping his face. 'Owww. It still hurts.' He grabs ahold of her hands and kisses them. 'Stop being so cute!!' I say. Everyone laughs and I realize Scotts hand is still on me. I mean, I don't mind at all. We're all just standing there laughing and talking. We sit back down at our original table and start eating. 'So the games on Friday. Who's going?' Dylan asks. 'Bruh. I start the varsity game. So of course I go.' Hunter says. 'I cheer until half time.' 'Yea then i'm hanging out with her afterwards.' Scott says, putting his hand on my knee under the table. 'We are. I'm taking her then going to watch a movie and then drive through.' 'DATE NIGHT!!!" Hunter yells. 'You're whipped.' Dylan says. 'Totally joking.' He says afterwards. 'Quadruple date guys. Hunter you take Gracie and Dylan you take Ashley and Scott you take Kennadee.' Evan says. I look up at scott and he shrugs. 'Sure why not.' My heart skipped a beat hearing him say that. 'Totally. Cause you know. Gracie and I are totally not fighting right now.' He said sarcastically. 'What. What's going on?' Ana always thought they were cute together, she didn't really like her. But she thought that nonetheless. 'I don't know. She told me that she needed some space and then I see her hanging out with Josh. So I confronted her about it. I might of called her some names. And she said that we just needed some space. And now I don't even know if we're together or not.' He says putting his face into his hands. Ana rubs his back and it looks like he might cry. 'Well you could just tell her you're sorry and tell her that you're taking her out on a date with us after the game friday.' Scott says. 'I guess, but what if she says no.' 'It's a chance you'll have to take.' Dylan says. He nods and wipes away tears before they fall. Ana pulls evan aside and whispers stuff to him. 'I promise it was only to help you guys out.' 'We didn't need your help evan. We could've handled it ourselves.' 'Yes, but now it's all gone. I promise I can handle it.' She rolls her eyes and continues eating.

'Were you serious about the date on friday?' I ask scott while he walks me to my fiftth period. 'Sure. Why not. It'll be fun, but I mean if you don't wanna..' 'Yea I wanna go, but I was just wondering cause I didn't wanna go if you didnt feel comfortable.' 'Bah. they're pretty cool. I dont mind hanging out with them. And you of course.' I blush and say goodbye to him. This was actually happening. Scott and I. It might actually happen. Just as I was about to walk into class I bump into someone. I almost fall backwards but someone quickly catches me. I follow the arm and look to see it's the one and only Liam. 'Get off of me.' I quickly said. 'You're welcome.' He winked. 'No. You cannot just do this. Nope no. Not happening.' 'All I did was say you're welcome.'

Ana's POV..

'Hey there good looking.' Someone said to Evan while we are walking to class. 'How have you been?' She said getting ahold of Evans arm and pulling him her way. He didn't pull away he just went with it. 'I've been fine. How bout you?' I couldn't tell who she was so she must be a freshman. 'I've been great. You know. We have a game on Friday. You should come watch me cheer.' Oh so she's a cheerleader. I'm still walking beside him but we're no longer holding hands. 'Yea. I don't see why not Lexi?' I quickly walk away without him noticing me. I slam my books down on my desks and wait for kennadee to walk in. She walks in with a smile on her face. She squeals once she sees me. 'Oh my gosh!!!' she whisper screams. I raise my eyebrow and wait for her to continue. 'What's wrong?' Her smile drops. 'Nothing. What happened?' 'I need to thank Evan. I can't believe Scott and I are going on a date Friday after the game. We should get ready together.' She says excitedly. 'Oh. I'm not going anymore. I mean I'm going to the game. But not to the date. And I'm not going with Evan anymore.' I say in one breath. 'Why not?' 'Because. All these girls flirt with him. And he doesn't do anything about it. Like do you know a freshman cheerleader. I think he said her name was Lexi. Like she asked him to go to the game to watch her cheer. And he said sure.' 'Hey babe.' Evan said walking into class. I ignore him and continue talking to kennadee. 'Don't let it bother you. I mean. He's like a jock. Cause wasn't he on the varsity baseball team.?' I nod. 'See. So everyone wants a piece of that hunk.' I laugh and just shake it off.

As soon as the bell rang I darted for the door. 'Wait up.' I heard kennadee say. I contained walking and not looking up. 'Babe. What's wrong?' Evan said grabbing ahold of my wrist. 'Let go of me.' I said sternly. He didn't let go, his eyes filled with concern. 'What did I do.' He whispered. We were standing in the middle of the hallway with everyone walking around us. 'Nothing. Oh and by the way. I'm not going with you to the movies after the game.' I snapped trying to get him to release me. 'What? Why not?' 'Because. You know what you should do. Oh em G. You should take Lexi. Yea you two should go to the movies together.' I said sarcastically. He laughed. He let go of me and continued laughing. 'Bye Evan.' I walked away and caught up with Dylan. 'Hey Dylan.' I said. Trying not to cry. 'Hey Ana. What's wrong?' 'nothing.' He gave me one of those looks knowing that I was lying. 'Come on. You can tell me.' I think about it for a moment. Then I finally speak. 'Evan. He never does anything about the girls flirting with him. Like before fifth period. He started walking with that Lexi chick. And she was all over him. He even agreed on going to the game just to watch her cheer.' Lexi walked by us and rolled her eyes at me. 'Did you just see her? Geez.' 'Ana calm down. I swear Evan only likes you. Besides. I hear Lexi was a whore in middle school. I don't really know her. But I can talk to Evan and see what's up. Cause that's not right.' I nodded and we continued walking. 'So how are you and Ashley?' I asked. 'Well. I guess we're fine. We've held hands a lot. But I don't know if I like her as much as I do. Like I like her. But she obviously likes me more than I like her. Ya know.?' 'Yea. I guess.' Ashley had pretty brown curly hair. Along with brown eyes. She was really pretty and I didn't see why Dylan didn't like her as much. I mean they've only been talking for about two weeks. So it's understandable.

Edited 5/30/15

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