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Ana's POV...

Christmas Eve

I wake up in the morning with my mom running around the house like a mad woman. I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and grab some shorts to change into and some under garmnets and head to the bathroom to have my shower and brush my teeth. I turn my music up loud and sing along to the songs, mostly by One Direction and 5SOS. While in in the shower my phone dings a couple times indicating I have a couple text messages. Once I'm done I quickly change into my shorts and t-shit. Making sure my hair is wrapped in a towel to let it dry. I turn off my music and head back to my bedroom. "Good morning honey." My mom calls out to me from the kitchen. The tree was shining brighter than ever, and I'm confused as to why it's on. There's a few ornaments of my family and I throughout the years. There's one of Kennadee and I from a couple years ago. We were both laughing and not even looking at the camera. It was the fall time so we were bundled up in cute jackets and scarfs. Our hair neatly done and everything around us not really that interesting. I don't really remember what exactly we were laughing at, but it must've been funny. I smile at the memory, vaguely remembering it. There's also one of Drake and I from second grade that we both made with the help of his mom. His arm over my shoulder. Both of us doing a cheesy smile that showed our missing teeth. Our eyes squinting a little from how big our smiles were. This was the first time I've seen it up there. "Would you like some quick breakfast?" My mom says, stoping me from looking at any other ornaments. "Uh. Yea. Let me just go out some socks on." My phone dings again and this time I do check it.

Kennadee: Yo! Guess who's going over for Christmas. Can't wait to freaking give you your present.👐
Me: Great! I'll see you here in a couple hours then. Bet you'll love your gift 👅😂

I have another unread message.

Draaaaaaaaaake: Babe! Merry Christmas Eve. Your mom called a couple days ago to invite us over for Christmas Eve until Christmas. I know how your family rolls. Anyway. Go get all dolled up. Even though you don't need it. And I'll be there in a couple hours😘
Me: Alright. 😘 I'll see you here in a couple hours babe.

I finally find a pair of socks and head back to eat my breakfast


After finally picking out the perfect outfit, clothes lying all over the floor, and doing my makeup with a little hint of something new. My outfit being an ugly sweater because I thought it was cute. Along with some skinny jeans that I found somewhere in my closet, paired with my favorite black and white vans. I quickly pick up the clothes and put all the shoes back where they belong. My hair isn't to fancy. My hair pinned back with my bangs laying slightly on my forehead. My curly hair cascading down my back, leaving it out from my face. As I recheck my hair and makeup the doorbell rings. Either my sisters are here or its Kennadee and/or Drake. "I got it!!!!" I yell and run towards the door. I look through the the small hole and see that it's kennadee and her family. I open the door and open my arms so I hug her cause I haven't seen her since like three days ago. She has on an ugly sweater similar to mine. She has on leggings with her hightop white converse. Kennadee had curled the ends of her hair so it's not too much for her face. She pulled the front section of her hair, and push it up creating a poof, like snooki but less dramatic. "Twinning much?" Her brother, Kody, says. I say hi to her mom and dad and kody, then lead them into the dining room where my moms setting up dinner. The ham in the middle of the table, the green bean casserole beside it, mashed potatoes to the left of the ham, and the sweet potato casserole to the far right. Candles surrounded the food a long with plastic little gifts. "So uh. Kennadee and I will be in my room." I say dragging kennadee with me. 'Whaaaaat?' She said once I closed the door. 'What happened with Scott?' I ask. 'Well. We haven't talked in a while. And I haven't told you this yet because I don't know how. But I saw him kissing Lana' I gasp at the information that has been thrown at me. I boil in anger. 'What the hell! Why the hell would he throw a diamond away just to pick up a rock! She is such a fucking cunt ass bitch!' I yell pacing back and fourth. 'Also. I kinda sent him pictures.' I stop where I'm at, not know what to do or say. 'What kind of pictures?' I ask, not wanting to hear her say it. 'Those kinds of pictures.' She says putting her face into her hands. 'Oh. Kennadee. It'll be alright.' I try to comfort her. 'No it won't.' She says. I sit beside her and rub her back in a comforting way. 'I promise I'll be here to help you out with anything that happens. We'll get through this together.' I say. The doorbell rings but I just ignore it. 'Do you know if he did anything with them?' I ask. She's shakes her head no and I don't want to imagine what he could possibly do. 'Ana!! Drakes here!' My mom yells from the living room. 'Coming!' I say. 'C'mon. We'll hang. Out here today and on New Years we can go out and party.' She nods wiping away the few tears that slipped. I'm greeted by a smiling dork dressed up in an ugly Christmas sweater.

What the heck. Why is everyone wearing Christmas sweaters.

He stands up and comes over to hug me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. 'I haven't seen you all winter break.' He says chuckling. 'It's only been like two days.' I smile giving him a small slap on the shoulder. 'Hey kennadee. How have you been?' He asks her giving her a hug as well. 'I've been great. Now I'm just waiting to eat. I'm starving.' Everyone starts gathering around the dining table to pray. All the small children as quiet as can be. We say our prayers and start feasting on the food my mom made and some deserts that everyone has brought along with them.

Christmas Day

The clock finally hits 12 and we head off to the living room. My mom and dad beside each other everyone else surrounding them. Drake, Kennadee, and I sitting in the three seater sofa. My mom and sisters started giving out their presents to the kids, parents, and teens. Next goes Kennadees parents with their presents, handing them to all of us. All three of our presents completely covering us while sitting down. I start opening the gifts my sisters gave me. I look around and see all my family and friends smiling, laughing, and saying their thank you's. I get tons of clothes from pink, hollister, Victoria secret, and American eagle. I then start on the one Kennadee got me. She had gotten me a pair of sparkly vans. I didn't have those yet so I was really glad I got a new pair. My parents and I had gotten her a gift card for Victoria secret. My mom hands my brother and I an extra small gift. We thank her and quickly open in. I see that it's and iPhone box but try not to get too excited. I finally open it and see that it's the new iPhone 6. I see my brother smiling and admiring his silver one, mine the gold one. I make Kennade and Drake take a selfie with me. After that Drake tells me to open his present. It's a tiny box perfectly tied with a bow. Attached to it were a few cards in different color envelopes. I take the bow off and look at the cards. They're 'open when...' Cards. I set them aside and see the little note attached 'I promise' I finally open the small box and gasp at the sight the beautiful ring.

This is a really long chapter and I just now got around to writing a Christmas chapter. I think this may be one of the longer chapters I've written. The next chapter will be New Year's Eve/ New Years. It will be up in the next week or so 😘

Edited 6/19/15

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