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Kennadees POV..

The next morning I looked in the mirror and scared the shit out of myself. I looked like a monster. Mascara was all over my face. My eyes were puffy and red, so you could barely tell my eyes were blue. I quickly took a shower and tired covering up all the puffiness and put on my blue contacts so my eyes were somewhat back to normal. I didn't feel like dressing up, but I felt like I needed to show what Liam had lost. I put on a short skirt and a v-neck that showed off a little cleavage, not to much. I didn't want to over do it so I put wedges on instead of heals. I put on lipgloss and headed to the car where my mom was waiting. 'Why so dressed up?' she asked with a smile. 'Liam and I broke up!' I blurted. My mom was so shocked that she slammed on the breaks. Good thing there wasn't a car behind us. 'Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry.' She said hugging me. 'Are you okay?' she asked. 'Mom. I'm fine.' I say trying not to cry again. I wiped away the tear that slipped. My mom continued driving. I got a text message. 'I heard kennadee. I'm so sorry.' Ana texted me. 'Ana. Drop it. It doesn't matter. I'm fine. I swear.' I said. 'Alright girl. I'll see you at lunch. Love ya.' I started getting nervous about seeing Liam.


I saw Liam twice today. Once kissing Jen and the second one they were just walking hand in hand. He tried walking my way and talking to me but Jen pulled him away. Good thing too, cause I wasn't going to deal with him. 'Hey kennadee.' Ana said walking up to me laughing along with Evan. 'Hey girl! hey Evan.' I said. Ana pulled me in a hug 'It's going to be okay' She said and I just started crying. I've held it in ever since I first saw him. I pulled away and wiped away the tears. 'It's okay. It's just been a waist of a year.' I said laughing. 'Yea. All guys are the same. Lying fucking cheaters.' She looked over at Evan and said 'except you babe.' She said laughing and kissed his cheek. More tears came. I remember how Liam and I used to be. We would always be holding hands, kissing, and anything else really, but we would always be touching one another. I hate what he did this to me. 'Hey Evan I'll catch up with you in the gym. Go eat with drake and them.' She said. He gave her a kiss before he left. 'You two are so cute.' I said trying not to cry again. 'Kennadee. It's okay to cry. What he did was stupid and not right. There is no way in hell that you are going to forgive him. No fucking way kennadee.' She says to me. 'Y-your right. He's a fucking douche.' I say while she's wiping away the fresh tears. I quickly regained myself and stood up straight. I couldn't let him see me so broken. Ana tried cheering me up the entire time at lunch and it kinda helped. As much as I don't like seeing couples together right now, Ana and Evan looked cute together. Throughout the day Liam tried talking to me, but I would just keep my head high and not listen to him.

As I was walking to my seventh period, when I accidentally bumped into someone, making me drop all of my books onto the floor. 'Oh geez. I'm so sorry.' He said. I bent down and started picking them up. Our hands touched and I looked up to see Scott. Only the hottest sophomore in school. 'I-it's o-okay.' I say. I realize our hands are still touching and I quickly pull away. 'Uh. I'll see you around. Yea?' he says to me. 'Yea. Sure.' I say. 'Yea sure?' that's all I could think of. He gives me a smile and I return it. I can't believe Scott talked to me. I walked into my class with a smile on my face. A class I had with Liam. Great. 'Hey kennadee. Let me explain. Please.' He says. 'You've got nothing to explain Liam. Absolutely nothing.' I spat in his face. 'Now leave me the fuck alone. You got it!' I said sitting in my seat. I tried keeping a straight face and not crying. What I did was right. I don't need to hear his apology. What's done is done and it can never be undone.

As I walk to my locker I see Scott coming my way. 'Hey. I never got your name.' He says leaning on the locker beside me while I put stuff into to it. Of course he wouldn't know my name. 'Kennadee.' I say. 'Well kennadee. Mind if I walk with you to the bus?' He asked. 'I'd like that Scott.' He gave me a weird look. 'How do you know my name?' He asked. 'Uh. We have painting together.' You say casually. 'We do?' I nod and he laughs. We were now standing outside of my bus. 'Hey. So I know this is a little fast. But, can I have your number?' He asked. I thought about it before giving it to him and getting on my bus after saying goodbye. I couldn't stop thinking about Scott's dirty blonde hair or his sky blue eyes. He was every girls dream guy. I was never that into him, because I was with Liam. But now that I'm back on the market I can start seeing other guys. It didn't take him to long to move on, so why should I mope around and cry all day.

I waited all day for Scott to text me, but he never did. I should've known he wasn't going to text me. I fall asleep to the sound of my phone ringing. I know it's Liam because he's been trying to contact me all day. Even though I'm supposed to hate his guts, I love him to death. He was my boyfriend and my best friend. I know I'm stupid for liking him after what he did to me. I should hate him. I should never want to talk to him ever again.

I'm finding myself texting him, after I couldn't fall asleep. 'I just wanna hear what he has to say for himself.' I say to myself. I wait less than a minute for a reply. He's explaining everything.

'Kennadee. I'm so sorry. We were just hanging out one day and she just kissed me. I didn't know what was happening until she pulled away. What you saw today was all her. She made me do it. I just wanted to talk to her about what we were. I never meant to hurt you that bad princess. You should know that I would never do something like that. Kennadee I ended it with her. We didn't have anything to begin with, but I told her I was never speaking to her ever again. Please darling. Forgive me. I love you.' I didn't know whether to believe him or not. I could either leave him and move on or give him another chance. 'Everyone deserves a second chance' I replied. 'Thanks babe. FaceTime?' I received a FaceTime call shortly after and we FaceTimed for about three hours. He kept telling me he was sorry but I told him it was okay, that's all that matters now, is that we're together.

A/N: Double update in one week. YAAAS! Anyway I'm hoping you're liking this story.

Edited 5/6/15

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