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Anas POV..

We're all waiting around for hours, my dad trying to get me to eat something, waiting for the doctor to let us see my mother. It's almost three and Drake has been texting me non stop to see how my mom's doing. I then realize that I haven't told Kennadee. I quickly scroll through my phone trying to find her name. I hurriedly tap 'call' and it rings for a couple seconds before I recognize her voice. "Hello?" She says. Notice filling the background. "Kennadee. Hey." I say sniffling. "Hey. Are you okay. Drake called me." I hear her giggle, kiss someone, then saying goodbye. "Oh. Well. I." She cut me off before I could finish. "I'll be there in ten minutes with your favorite starbucks." She said closing a door behind her. "Just let me get my brother up." "Alright. I'll see you in a bit." I said laughing a bit. "I'll see you." She said before hanging up.

"Sorry I'm late." Drake comes running into the waiting room a couple minutes after me talking to Kennadee. "You're not late. It's like three o' one." I say laughing while getting up. "How is she?" He asks for like the millionth time. "She's fine. They won't let us go in to see her yet though." I say giving him a hug. "Have you eaten anything?" "No. She hasn't." My dad answers for me, before I could even have a say anything. "Maybe she'll listen to you. Take her to the cafeteria." My dad says handing Drake money to buy us something to eat. "I'll make it my duty to make sure she eats." He laughs a little and shakes my dads hand. "They really like you." I say referring to my mom and dad. "I like them too." He nods. He grabs a hold of my hand and we head to the cafeteria. "What would you like to eat?" He asks looking at the menu on the board. "Hospital food is gross." "I know. But you didn't even eat breakfast at home or anything. You have to eat." He nudges my side with his shoulder. "Fine. I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich with an apple juice on the side." "Really, apple juice." He says laughing. "Yes. Apple juice." He orders my order and orders himself a chicken noodle soup with two spoons and an orange juice to drink. "Is that all?" The lady at the counter asks. "Oh. And some chipped ice please." I ask nicely. "Okay that'll be seven sixty three." She says. Drake gives her the money my father gave him while still holding my hand. We head to an empty table waiting for our food to be ready. "Ana. Ana!" I hear someone call. I look around, it's coming from the hallway. Soon I see Kennadees faces with two starbucks cups in her hands. "Here." She says sitting down. "How's your momma?" "She's. She's fine. She's still asleep. Been asleep for quite a couple hours now. So we're not allowed to see her. Ya know. Doctors." I say rolling my eyes. I take a sip of the white chocolate mocha and hand it to Drake, so he could take a sip.

After a while of just sitting there and not really speaking, Kennadee finally speaks up. "When are they going to let you see her?" She said. I shrugged not really knowing what else to do. "How mad are you at them?" She asks. "Pretty mad to be honest." We continue eating our food while it's still warm. "Ana!" My brother came running in. "Only three people are allowed to see her right now. Dad says its you me and him. Hurry!" My brother says jogging back to the waiting room. I quickly tried catching up to him. "She's in room 235" the nurse said. My dad quickly took the elevator up to the second floor, frantically looking for the room. Once I found it, I hurriedly knocked. A quiet "come in." Was heard and I quickly opened the door to reveal a tired looking mom. "Oh mom!" I said tears rolling down my face as I hugged her. "Why didn't you tell me." I said. "Cause. I didn't want you to get involved by coming to the house at the wrong time. "I love you so much" I said squeezing her a bit. "I love you too." She said. My brother was next. "I'm so sorry mom." He said. "Why? You didn't do anything." She said rubbing his back soothingly. "I could've prevented it." "No you couldn't. Don't worry about it." My dad gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. I'd never seen them do any love of affection in front of us. He whispered something so only she could hear, a smile spreading across her face. "How are you feeling?" He asked her. "I've had better days. Where's everybody else?" She asked. "They're outside. Would you like to see them?" My dad asked. She nodded hesitantly. I went back to Kennadee and Drake, lazily sitting around talking to my family members. My dad motioned my sisters to go see my mom, while I took a seat next to Drake and Kennadee. "Hey dad. Can I take the car home. I'm not feeling to well." I said, hoping he would say yes. He tossed me the keys to my brothers car and told me to be careful. "Do you guys want a ride home?" I asked Drake and Kennadee. They stood up and we quickly ran into my brothers grey Lexus. I sit in the drivers seat, Drake on my right, and Kennadee in the back seat. "This is unfair guys" Kennadee pouted.
Idk how I feel about this. Don't really like it. I'm sorry. I was stuck so I just put down whatever came to mind at the moment. I'm so sorry!!!!

Edited 6/19/15

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