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Ana's POV..

I wave goodbye to Kennadee and Scott and head to the bus to ride home, but Drake stops me before I could reach the bus. 'Wanna go get some ice cream?' He asks me. I try to recall my day to make sure I dont have any homework, but then remember it's friday. 'Sure. Let me just shoot my brother a text to imform my mom where I'll be.' He nods and grabs a hold of my boookbag, leading us to his brothers car. 'Hey wheres your brother?' I asked him while he opened the door for me. He quickly jumped into the drivers seat, both of us putting on out seatbelts. 'Oh hes at home. He's sick.' He chuckles and starts driving. 'So where are we going?' I asked plugging my phone in and turning on my Five Seconds of Summer and One Direction music. 'Well. I thought I said we were going to get ice cream?' 'No, I know that, but where.' I start looking through my social media and see what some people are up too. 'We're going to that little ice cream place by the house. Ya know. The one by the church and 7 Eleven.' I nodded knowing exactly where it was. It's been my favorite place ever since they first put it up like 3 years ago. Sadly, they were closing it in the next couple of months. After about an hour of me singing my songs and waving to random people in their cars, just to see their faces, we finally pulled up the the ice cream place. We walked in hand in hand, me ready to great the sweet old lately that's usually there to take my orders. I started to wave to her, but unfortunatly someone else was there. A tall good looking guy was standing behind the counter. He looked around our age, but I've never seen him here or around here before. 'Good afternoon.' He greeted us. I just nodded and smiled, starting to look at all the different types of ice cream there was. I didn't need to though, because I always got the same thing. 'How may i help you?' Harley said to me with a smile. 'Uh. Yes. I'll have a meduim cotton candy cone. With rainbow sprinkles.' He started making it, totally ignoring Drake. 'That'll be right up miss.' 'And I'll have a meduim vanilla cone.' Drake said in the middle of Harley making my cone. He nodded not looking up from scooping my ice cream. 'Here you go.' He said handing it to me. His hand slightly touching mine. He quickly made Drakes and handed it to him without saying a word. Drake payed and we sat down enjoying our ice cream. Once we were done Drake quicly got up to go to the bathroom. After a couple seconds, Harley approached me. "Hey there pretty lady. You look lonely.' I couldn't help but laugh. 'Excuse me?' 'Do you want some company?' He said taking a seat. 'No not really. I'm actually wating for my boyfriend.' I said pointing to the bathroom door that read Men. 'Funny. I don't think he should be in there. I think he should be in the other one.' I stared at him. In complete shock of how idiotic he was. He put his hand on my hand and I qucikly pulled away. "What the hell do you think you're doing?' Drake said. I quickly stood up and started pushing him towards the door. 'I think we should go.' I said to Drake and he nooded kicking a chair on the way out. As soon as we got by the car he slammed me against the car. 'What the heck?' I say not feeling any pain but it quickly begins to ache. 'You're mine. You hear.' He says before crashing my lips against his. 'Drake. Stop. Drake. Drake. I said stop.' I say pushing him off of me. 'What the hell is wrong with you.' He sighs and leans against the door next to me. 'I guess. I just. I got jelouse. and I'm sorry.' He says covering his face with his hands. 'Well im not going to say it's okay. Because it's not. You can't do stuff like that just because someone makes you jelouse.' I cross my arms and silence fills the air. 'Do you want me to take you home?' He asked. I opened my own door and let it slam a bit. I quickly put on my seatbelt and crossed my arms again. All the ride home we were both silent. When we arrived I hurridly get out and make my way inside. I turn around to see him coming after to me. I turn around and stand still. 'Ana. Please. I said I was sorry. I'll call you later.' He said not coming any closer. 'Alright. I'll talk to you later.' For some reason we were really close now, less than three inches. he gave me a quick peck on the lips not lingering for long. 'Thats not fair. I wasn't ready.' I say laughing a bit. I pull him into a hug and we just stand there. I inhale his cologne, loving the smell of it. 'Let's go say hey to your mom.'

We walked in, my mom talking on the phone. 'Yeah. Look. I'll have to talk to you later. My daughter's here.' She said before hanging up. 'Hey guys. Would you guys want something to eat. A snack?' She said. 'No thanks. We just got back from the ice cream place. I just came by to see how you were doing.' Drake said politly, putting my bookbag down on the chair nearby, 'I'm fine thank you.' 'Well I guess I better get going. I'll call you later Ana.' I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, him saying goodbye to my mom one last time. 'He's nice. I like hiim.' She said getting up and going to the kitchen. 'I would think you do. We've known him since I was in the second grade.' She took some raw cookie dough out and started to make cookies. I took some of the cookie dough and she gave me a stern look. My cell phone rang and I went to anwer it. 'Its Drake. I'll be inside in like ten minutes.' I told her before heading outside. 'Drake you left like litteraly less than five minutes ago.' I said laughing. 'I just. Didnt get the chance to tell you something. So I'll be heading back to your place in like. Now.' I hear his car coming down the driveway. I was so confused and didn't know what was going on. 'C'mon. Lets go out back to the trampoline.' He grabbed a hold of my hand and lead me to my backyard. We sat down on the semi warm surface. 'I need to tell you something.' 'Alright?' I said wanting him to go on. 'This is very important. I wanted to make it special. But it won't be. So here it goes.' He took a deep breath. 'I. I love you.' He said quitly but loud enough for me to hear. 'I love you too silly.' I said. 'Wait. Really?' He said almost ashtonished that I said it back. 'Yea of course. Why wouldnt I? We've known each other for a long time and we've been through a lot together.' 'Yea we have.' We were now laying down looking at the clear blue sky.


sucky ending i know. i just didnt know how to end this chapter. hope you guys like it. vote comment and all that other stuff.

Edited 6/19/15

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