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Ana's POV..

I'm at Drakes house eating my dinner, with my luggage for the week, ready to leave tomorrow early in the morning. As I was finishing up my dinner, I hear my phone ring in the other room. I put my silver wear down and walk into the living room. It stops ringing and I check who it was. It was Liam. Why would he call me. I hated him for what he did to Kennadee. It probably wasn't important or he would've called again.

"Hey." I hear Drake in the other room. "Yea. She's here. Is something wrong?" Drake quickly come into the room handing me the phone "It's Liam." He mouths. I roll my eyes before getting ahold of the phone. "Hello?" I say not really wanting to talk to him.

"Ana. You need to come to the hospital."

"What? Why? Whats going on?"

"Kennadee. She's in surgery. You need to come quick."

"Have you called her parents? They need to be there too."

"Yeah. They should be here soon. I'll see you soon."

I grab my keys quickly stopping to tell Drakes parents that I was leaving. "Whats going on?" They asked. "My best friends in the hospital. You guys can leave tomorrow. I'll stay here." I said. "I'm going too." Drake said. "No. You go on without me. I'll meet you guys whenever she's better." "Mom. I'm going too." "Honey are you sure?" She asked us. I nodded my head. "I'm so sorry." I say feeling embarrassed. "It's alright. We just won't go." His dad says. "No dad. Go. Just you two. Have a week get away." Drake says. "We can go another time. All of us. Plus, you guys can still take Jantzen and his girlfriend, Jade. I hope you guys have a great week." He says kissing them on the cheek. I said goodbye to them and that I was sorry.

"Drake. You don't have to come." I say turning on the car and putting on my seatbelt. "I'm going to be there for you Ana. That's why we're in this relationship. To be there for each other. And besides. She's my friend too" I nod my head knowing that if anything happened to Kennadee, I would never be able to live with my self. I drove as fast as I could to get the the hospital Liam had told me she was at.

As soon as I parked the car, I ran into the emergency room, not a lot of people were there due to it being almost past midnight. I look around quickly finding Liam and Kennadees' family. "Ana. I'm glad you're here." Kennadee's dad said to me. I saw the tears threatening to fall. "What's going on?" I said, trying no to jump to conclusions. "She got stabbed on her right side by a guy she was with last night." Liam said.


"What?" I said, silent enough for almost no one could hear me. I sat down putting my face in my hands. I tried holding back the tears. This was all my fault. I told her to go with him. I told her that she could stay with him while we were out getting ice cream. This was all my fault. At that moment I began crying. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I told her parents. "I let her stay with that Brent guy. I gave her permission. She was supposed to be with us, but I let her stay." I said not holding back any tears. "It's not your fault Ana. Everything will be okay." She says. "Who did it." I tell Liam once I wipe the tears away, even though I already knew. He shrugs. "What do you mean you don't know? You're the one that brought her here!" I say. "I don't know Ana. I don't." He says with the most serious face I have ever seen. But I knew he was lying. "Parents of Kennadee Hinzman." The doctor finally came out. I shot up following her parents. "She's doing well. We got her to stop bleeding. She lost a lot of blood, but we have an IV hooked up to her. She's awake, if you would like to see her. Family only." He said eyeing me. "She is family." Her dad spoke up. I made a mental note to thank him. He parents were lead by the doctor, me a couple feet behind, not really sure how I feel. Her parents walk in and I decide to leave them a couple minutes alone, to situate it out. I sit on a chair that's outside of her room. Thinking if I want to go in or not. I hear their conversation, faintly. They're talking about how she got stabbed. A doctor passes by which distracts me from hearing what happened. "So did Ana come?" I hear her say. I breathed in one last time before I opened the door. I feel empty handed, like I should've brought something. Ever since Destiny came into the picture, I feel like I'm always the second choice. Like I have to always beat her for Kennadees attention, which bothers me. I turn the door nob and they stop talking. A smile appearing on her face. An extra seat is on the other side of her and I make my way over. "Hey." I said not knowing what to say or talk about. "Hey." She says back. We start laughing but I don't know why. After the laughter dies down I inhale and exhale. "What happened?" I ask. She quickly adverts her eyes from me, not making eye contact. "Kennadee." I press. She sighs. "It just kinda happened. It was an accident." "Where?" I ask trying to get more information. "At my house." Wait what. "Then how come Liam brought you and not your parents?" She's lost for words. Her eyes start to water. I sigh and just sit there. "How are you feeling?" I change the subject. "Better than ever." She says with a smile sarcastically. I laugh a little. "Kennadee." I say quietly. Her parents talk quietly then get up. "We'll be right outside." Her dad says. I nod. We stay silent for a while longer before I speak again. "What happened." I say again. She stays silent. Looking at her hands in front of her. "Was this Brent?" I ask. She nods her head no. "Then who was it?" "I already told you." She finally speaks up. "Kennadee. Please tell me. Something worse could've happened." Tears start dropping from her eyes. "What happened when I left." "We got ice cream then he took me home." She said, still not looking at me. "Okay." I simply said. It was nearly five in the morning, and I was more tired than ever. "Alright. Well I'm going to go. I'll come by tomorrow and see how you're doing." I said with a smile. "Okay. What time will you come by?" She asked. " I dunno. I was thinking noon. So we could each lunch together." "Sounds fun." "What would you like for lunch?" She shrugs. "Okay. Well I'll think of something. Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow. well I mean. Later today." I start heading towards the door before she stops me. "Thanks for coming." She says quietly. "I would never not come see you at a time like this Kennadee." "I'll see you later." She says. Once I'm outside, I head back to the waiting room to see Drake asleep. I nudge him a little bit before his eyes flutter open. "Come on. Let's go to sleep."

Edited 6/20/15

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